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Diving Dolphin

by Karen Wallace

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A young dolphin's life is full of adventure--can he escape the killer whales?

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A young dolphin's life is full of adventure! He wants to explore - but danger lurks! DK level 1 Beginning to read
  jhawn | Jul 31, 2017 |
I like Karen Wallace’s book, Diving Dolphin, for many reasons. The main purpose of the book is to deliver factual information about dolphins and I think the author does this in an organized and engaging manner. First, I like the writing and language the author uses because it is descriptive and engaging. For example, the author writes, “The killer whales shoot through the water… Their teeth are like knives.” I also like how the author organizes all the information. On the last page there is a type of index which includes pictures with captions and page numbers representing where that picture was addressed during the text. I thought this was a very effective way to allow the reader to go back into the text and reread the parts they were interested in. ( )
  acasca1 | Sep 21, 2013 |
Absolutely amazing illustrations, that is my favorite thing about this book because they are so captivating and keep the reader interested even though it is an informational book. Also, it is not confusing in the way its worded so it is easy for a young child to understand what they book is teaching about dolphins. It keeps the information pretty basic but still educational. By the words that they may not understand, like beak, they have a picture with an arrow to clarify which is extremely helpful to a new reader. Two thumbs up!
  jzerba | Mar 17, 2013 |
This a nonfiction book about a young dolphin growing up. His mother was teaching him how to hunt and how to hide from his predators. The photo illustrations would definitely appeal to a young reader as well as the topic of marine mammals.
  amycampbell | Apr 13, 2009 |
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A young dolphin dives through the water.
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A young dolphin's life is full of adventure--can he escape the killer whales?

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