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Crewel Lye: A Caustic Yarn (1985)

by Piers Anthony

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Series: The Magic of Xanth (08)

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2,630145,696 (3.33)9
Fantasy. Fiction. Thriller. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:A knight of ghosts and shadows!
Jordan was a ghost in Castle Roogna now, spending his time with little five-year-old Ivy and watching his own past unfold on the magic tapestry. But once he had been a valorous knight, riding his ghost horse Pook on a fabulous and dangerous mission.
He had been betrayed with a cruel lie by two wily magicians and the woman he loved. He had been killed at the end, and his bones had been scattered. Now he could not even remember where they had been buried.
That was important, because Jordan's talent had been to recover from almost any injury, provided enough of his body could be assembled to grow together again. But all that had been four hundred years before. Nobody who was alive today knew or cared where his bones might be.
It was hardly the proper ending for a gallant adventure!.
… (more)

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A long time ago when I was tweenish, I loved this series. I know it won't survive a re-read, so I'm noting it and letting it go.
  jennybeast | Mar 2, 2024 |
In the magical land of Xanth, Jordan the Ghost recounts his tale of adventure and his death at the hands of the woman he loves.
Pun-filled story that I liked better as a teenager. ( )
  Smith.erin71 | Aug 27, 2023 |
The Xanth books by Piers Anthony were some of the first SciFi/Fantasy books I ever read. I love puns so I have always enjoyed them. Upon re-reading them I can see that they have some weaknesses but overall they stand the test of time. They are a fun and fast read that keeps me amused without any deep thinking required. ( )
  KateKat11 | Sep 24, 2021 |
Jordan was a ghost in Castle Roogna now, spending his time with little five-year-old Ivy and watching his own past unfold on the magic tapestry. But once he had been a valorous knight, riding his ghost horse Pook on a fabulous and dangerous mission.

He had been betrayed with a cruel lie by two wily magicians and the woman he loved. He had been killed at the end, and his bones had been scattered. Now he could not even remember where they had been buried.

That was important, because Jordan's talent had been to recover from almost any injury, provided enough of his body could be assembled to grow together again. But all that had been four hundred years before. Nobody who was alive today knew or cared where his bones might be.
  Gmomaj | Jul 25, 2021 |
Xanth, barbarian Joden finds, loses and finds again true love after 400 years of death
  ritaer | Mar 15, 2020 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Anthony, PiersAuthorprimary authorall editionsconfirmed
Sweet, Darrell K.Cover artistsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed

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Pocket (5527)
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Ivy was restricted, for no reason at all, to Castle Roogna, and of course it was overwhelmingly boring.
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Fantasy. Fiction. Thriller. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:A knight of ghosts and shadows!
Jordan was a ghost in Castle Roogna now, spending his time with little five-year-old Ivy and watching his own past unfold on the magic tapestry. But once he had been a valorous knight, riding his ghost horse Pook on a fabulous and dangerous mission.
He had been betrayed with a cruel lie by two wily magicians and the woman he loved. He had been killed at the end, and his bones had been scattered. Now he could not even remember where they had been buried.
That was important, because Jordan's talent had been to recover from almost any injury, provided enough of his body could be assembled to grow together again. But all that had been four hundred years before. Nobody who was alive today knew or cared where his bones might be.
It was hardly the proper ending for a gallant adventure!.

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