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My Place (1987)

by Nadia Wheatley, Nadia Wheatley

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334779,542 (4.18)4
"My Place, the classic Australian picture book, is a 'time machine' which takes the reader back into the past. It depicts the history of one particular piece of land in Sydney from 1788 to 1988 through the stories of the various children who have lived there. It aims to teach the reader about the history of Australia, about families, settlers, multiculturalism, and the traditional owners of the land. Each child's story covers a decade in time, showing their particular dress, customs and family life. The book also features maps that the successive generations of children have 'drawn' which demonstrate the things that have changed - as well as the things that have remained constant. 'My Place' ultimately aims to show 'that everyone is part of History' and that 'every place has a story as old as the earth'."--Provided by publisher.… (more)

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  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
Summary: This books talk about different children in Australia for over 200 years. It starts in 1788 and goes to 1988. It talks about all the different houses and has a map on how the houses were placed and how it has changed through the years.

My reaction: I thought this was a cool book because it made me think about how my life, house, and town has changed just within the past few years. It made me wonder how everything has changed in the past decades.

1. I could have them write about how their life has changed in just the past few years.
2. We could look on the computer and see just how much the town has changed in the past 10, 50, and 100 years and then talk about what is the same and what is different.
  aensley | Mar 23, 2016 |
This story is about the changes that can occur in a specific location like Australia due to immigration and the change in times. The artists takes pictures of the same location for a span of 200 years to indicate the drastic changes that take place. The opening and closing of new business, the filth that storm the street and than are clean again. Graffiti on walls and than disappear again. This book goes from present day back every ten years for a span of 200 until the colonial ages to see just how far we have come.

Personal Opinion

This is a wonderful picture book to help the students understand that past generations didn’t have the same things we have; they acted and experienced completely different aspects of life even though they were in the same location. It’s a good interpretation of change for the better and worse.

Classroom Extension
1. You could allow the students to change the setting of the classroom, have a dress up theme where they wear outfits that may fit a past time. Than you could have a small party time activity where you would try and create a dish or two that went with this time period to help them truly see how things change.
2. You could do a family tree for each individual student; it could be a homework activity that followed a lesson on ancestry. Where you came from and see how far back the parents can go and than place them around a giant world map to indicate where each family originated.
  haleycurry1 | Oct 15, 2015 |
My Place tells the story of girl's house. It starts with the girl living there in the present time. Then it works backward in time to other children who lived in that same place. It goes by decades all the way back to 1788. The book really gives a feel for what life was like for children in each time period. I found myself wondering about the history of my own place as I read it. ( )
  aleader | Jan 23, 2014 |
Very unique book about a generation and their experiences living in the town. Each page goes to a previous generation and so on. The pictures are cute and the drawing of the neighborhoods are neat to look at. The last page really ties together the whole book. ( )
  lnmeadows | Nov 20, 2013 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Nadia Wheatleyprimary authorall editionscalculated
Wheatley, Nadiamain authorall editionsconfirmed
Rawlins, DonnaIllustratorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
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"My Place, the classic Australian picture book, is a 'time machine' which takes the reader back into the past. It depicts the history of one particular piece of land in Sydney from 1788 to 1988 through the stories of the various children who have lived there. It aims to teach the reader about the history of Australia, about families, settlers, multiculturalism, and the traditional owners of the land. Each child's story covers a decade in time, showing their particular dress, customs and family life. The book also features maps that the successive generations of children have 'drawn' which demonstrate the things that have changed - as well as the things that have remained constant. 'My Place' ultimately aims to show 'that everyone is part of History' and that 'every place has a story as old as the earth'."--Provided by publisher.

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