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Lambs of God (1998)

by Marele Day

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292692,366 (3.65)17
The flock of nuns and the flock of sheep had been together for so long that the sheep, if they had enough brains to consider the matter at all, thought of the nuns as part of the flock rather than shepherds. For Iphigenia, Margarita and Carla, the crumbling monastery they live in is their whole world. They have their daily routines and at their nightly knitting circle, they tell stories - stitching into their work fairytales and myth. Whatever exists beyond their island home is forgotten. That is until the day Father Ignatius arrives, intent on transforming their forgotten paradise into a luxury resort, complete with a helipad and marina. In an attempt to protect their peaceful existence, the Sisters find themselves willing to do almost anything to save their beloved home...… (more)

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Lambs of God gifts its readers with lush imagery, memorable characters, and a pervading undercurrent of myth and magic.

It wasn't a story I was expecting to like, not only because of its religious setting, but because once I started, it took about 50 pages before I was fully settled into its world. It's slow-paced, full of vivid descriptions, slightly contrived...yet Iphigenia, Margarita, Carla, and even Father Ignatius (who I found hypocritical and didn't like much at all) were too strange to ignore, too different to dismiss outright. I'm glad I kept reading.

Recommended if you want a story about three nuns, a priest and a dilapidated monastery, tempered with magical realism.

3.5 stars ( )
  flying_monkeys | Jan 14, 2017 |
I picked this up accidentally at the library. What a pleasant surprise by this Aussie author! This is the story of three nuns living in solitary in a run-down monastery on an island. A priest, not knowing the ruins are inhabited, comes to assess the property. What follows is bordering on fantasy. Funny and touching with a good ending. ( )
  LivelyLady | Jan 8, 2014 |
I had never heard of Marele Day before hearing of this novel on the knitting community Ravelry.
It was mentioned in one discussion of novels with knitting as a theme. Many participants recommended this novel, so I got curious.

It´s a very weird novel and difficult to describe. Three nuns live peacefully on a remote and deserted island together with their sheep. They breed sheep for food, wool and company. They live in a closed community dependent only of themselves, the sheep and God.

Something happens which changes their way of living and one part of the novel is quite suspenseful
The story is of course about much more than what is happening in the monastery. It´s about life and and faith and how we deal with both of those things. It´s sometimes very funny and sometimes deeply sad.I liked her language a lot. Poetic and vivid.It´s a wonderful and thought provoking novel which will stay in my mind for a long time. ( )
  Amsa1959 | Sep 2, 2012 |
Fun, whimsical, but tosses its bucolic atmosphere at the end. Feels as if the author tried to "just bring it together" rather than let the tale takes its pace to the end. ( )
  librken | Jul 27, 2010 |
Unlike anything else - amazing. ( )
  zina | Jul 30, 2007 |
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The flock of nuns and the flock of sheep had been together for so long that the sheep, if they had enough brains to consider the matter at all, thought of the nuns as part of the flock rather than shepherds. For Iphigenia, Margarita and Carla, the crumbling monastery they live in is their whole world. They have their daily routines and at their nightly knitting circle, they tell stories - stitching into their work fairytales and myth. Whatever exists beyond their island home is forgotten. That is until the day Father Ignatius arrives, intent on transforming their forgotten paradise into a luxury resort, complete with a helipad and marina. In an attempt to protect their peaceful existence, the Sisters find themselves willing to do almost anything to save their beloved home...

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