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Healing Secrets of the Native Americans: Herbs, Remedies, and Practices That Restore the Body, Refresh the Mind, and Rebuild the Spirit

by Porter Shimer

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Learn how Native Americans have used the bountiful gifts of nature to heal the mind, the body, and the spirit. Bestselling Healing Secrets of the Native Americans brings the age-old knowledge and trusted techniques of Native-American healing to a wider audience. Discover how the Native-American tradition uses plants and herbs, heat, movement and sound, visualization, and spirituality to heal dozens of everyday ailments and illnesses--from back pain to insect bites to flu and sore throat and much more and apply it to your life to improve your health and your mind. Broken into sections, the book covers such topics as "The Healing Spirit" (including dream therapy, spirituality, and prayer), "The Native American Spa" (healing with heat, massage, sound and movement, and nutrition), "The Native American Pharmacy" (including more than 40 herbs and plants, how to obtain them, and how to use them), plus remedies for more than 40 ailments from acne to wrinkles.… (more)

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The actual list of herbs is short but pretty good in regard to the uses and preparations. What is interesting is the authors attempt to explain the background of the medicinal use as cultural aspects. The section on ways to prepare the herbs for use is very good. ( )
  dswaddell | Aug 31, 2016 |
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Learn how Native Americans have used the bountiful gifts of nature to heal the mind, the body, and the spirit. Bestselling Healing Secrets of the Native Americans brings the age-old knowledge and trusted techniques of Native-American healing to a wider audience. Discover how the Native-American tradition uses plants and herbs, heat, movement and sound, visualization, and spirituality to heal dozens of everyday ailments and illnesses--from back pain to insect bites to flu and sore throat and much more and apply it to your life to improve your health and your mind. Broken into sections, the book covers such topics as "The Healing Spirit" (including dream therapy, spirituality, and prayer), "The Native American Spa" (healing with heat, massage, sound and movement, and nutrition), "The Native American Pharmacy" (including more than 40 herbs and plants, how to obtain them, and how to use them), plus remedies for more than 40 ailments from acne to wrinkles.

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