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A Promise is a Promise

by Robert Munsch, Michael Kusugak

Other authors: Vladyana Krykorka (Illustrator)

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When Allashua disobeys her parents and goes fishing on the sea ice, she has to use her wits to escape and to further trick the Qallupilluit when she promises to bring her brothers and sisters back to them.

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Munch is usually in 813 'literature'. But this story is clearly more about inuit sefety parenting, so I put it in 306. NB this book is missing pages in the center of the book.
  brendanus | Apr 9, 2019 |
NIce tall tale
  jnmwheels | Apr 3, 2016 |
This is a tale from the Northwest Territories that is used to inform children to stay away from the ice during the winter. Through imaginary monsters, these tales “scare” children from making decisions that can result in harming them. Robert Munsch does extensive research to make sure that his tales are authentic. Until he writes about stories like these, the stories remain “oral language” until recorded by Munsch.

This book can be used to inform our students and expose them to different cultures and tales that we traditionally wouldn’t see. Students can compare/contrast the tales that they have been exposed to and discuss what messages/themes are common across cultures. ( )
  Mr-Mays | Oct 20, 2013 |
This is about a girl who does not listen to her mother and she regrets it. But her parents help her right the wrong. Great fairy tale with a lesson to be learned. ( )
  bekeelen | Mar 1, 2013 |
This is a bit of a scary tale of a little girl who disobeys and as a result is visited by a Qallupilluq an imaginary Inuit creature kind of like a troll. The illustrations are wonderful but the whole concept is a little scary for very young children. Could be used to introduce different cultural beliefs into the classroom.
  mrichter | Dec 6, 2009 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Robert Munschprimary authorall editionscalculated
Kusugak, Michaelmain authorall editionsconfirmed
Krykorka, VladyanaIllustratorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed

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When Allashua disobeys her parents and goes fishing on the sea ice, she has to use her wits to escape and to further trick the Qallupilluit when she promises to bring her brothers and sisters back to them.

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Bought this book on the Alaska cruise as a gift for Gladys. She adores this book and asks for it to be read over and over. The message of respecting your word, not lying, and listening to your parents are great ones for a grown-up, but I think what she loves are the scary Quallalupits and happy ending. She's into scary now. Time flies.
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