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Franklin's Halloween (1996)

by Paulette Bourgeois

Other authors: Brenda Clark (Illustrator)

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Series: Franklin (13)

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1,3901113,753 (3.85)1
Juvenile Fiction. Picture Book Fiction. HTML:

It's Halloween in Woodland in this classic storybook featuring Franklin the turtle, the inspiration for the beloved TV show Franklin and Friends!
Franklin and his pals are excited for the Halloween party. But things get scary when everyone's favorite turtle suspects there might be an uninvited guest: a real ghost!
This spooky story is one of the original titles in the Franklin children's book series, which features an adventurous turtle and his animal friends. Beloved by kids around the world, the series has been translated into over thirty-five languages and adapted into an animated television series airing on Nick Jr.

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It’s Halloween and Franklin is excited to go to the costume party. Bear is always a ghost, but Franklin’s other friends are keeping their costumes a secret.

What will Franklin wear?

At the costume party, Franklin has fun apple-bobbing and playing pumpkin toss. He even braves the haunted house. Then he discovers bear is not the ghost at the costume party. Who could it be?


Young readers will delight in Franklin’s Halloween adventure. Colorful pictures accompany the narrative; the story is both predictable and surprising. And there’s a lesson about being a good friend, all wrapped up in a clever tale that is sure to keep the Little Ones laughing.

Highly recommended. ( )
  jfe16 | Jul 26, 2022 |
I used to love watching Franklin with my youngest kids, and reading the books to them, and they loved it, so when I had my granddaughter over, I thought of this book and hoped that she would like it as much as they did, and I wasn't disappointed. She loved it! She thought the characters were fun and the way Franklin got so excited for Halloween, trying on different costumes until he found just the right one, reminded her so much of herself. As for me, I love the fact that all the kids (animals) are different from each other, but they accept those differences and love each other all the more because of them. What a great message to send our kids! And the illustrations are always excellent.

Highly recommend: 5/5 stars.

I received a copy of this book free of charge in exchange for my honest opinion. ( )
  jwitt33 | Feb 3, 2022 |
Seasons & Holidays
  HCC_Education_Dept | Nov 16, 2020 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Paulette Bourgeoisprimary authorall editionscalculated
Clark, BrendaIllustratorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Hemming-Sotejeff, TiinaTranslatorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed

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Juvenile Fiction. Picture Book Fiction. HTML:

It's Halloween in Woodland in this classic storybook featuring Franklin the turtle, the inspiration for the beloved TV show Franklin and Friends!
Franklin and his pals are excited for the Halloween party. But things get scary when everyone's favorite turtle suspects there might be an uninvited guest: a real ghost!
This spooky story is one of the original titles in the Franklin children's book series, which features an adventurous turtle and his animal friends. Beloved by kids around the world, the series has been translated into over thirty-five languages and adapted into an animated television series airing on Nick Jr.


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