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Leonardo, the Terrible Monster (2005)

by Mo Willems

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1,53710912,058 (4.32)25
Leonardo is a terrible monster -- he can't seem to frighten anyone. When he discovers the perfect nervous little boy, will he scare the lunch out of him? Or will he think of something better?
  1. 00
    Troll Swap by Leigh Hodgkinson (beelrami)
    beelrami: Both stories about monsters that might not be very good monsters.
  2. 00
    Alan's Big, Scary Teeth by Peter Jarvis (beelrami)

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Fantastic! ( )
  LibrarianDest | Jan 3, 2024 |
Leonardo is a little monster who just isn't good at scaring people. So what does Leonardo do? He researches up the most scaredy-cat kid he can find to scare him! Unfortunately, he isn't successful in his plan but instead makes a friend. This book is an easy read to young children and has a simple colored background where the characters are the main focus. ( )
  jadeterry | Sep 22, 2020 |
Leonardo is a terrible monster- but the question what makes a monster terrible? It is not that he is super scary or ugly or even big. He is none of those things and that is his problem. In the monster world, Leonardo felt he was just not good enough. So he decided to find the most scredy-cat kid in the world and scare him. He failed at that too. Instead he became a friend and decided to be the best friend ever. The pictures are simple and if you love the story there is a companion book as well. Sam the Most Scaredy-Cat Kid in the World. ( )
  Jstuebing | Jul 31, 2020 |
This is a great story about Leonardo the not so scary monster who comes across a scared-y cat boy named, Sam. Great story and lesson about friendship! ( )
  Anderson22 | Jan 14, 2020 |
I LOVE LEONARDO! He is a monster who isn't good at being scary, so he finds the most scaredy-cat kid in the world and scares him, which triggers the biggest blow-up I have ever seen in a picture book. Leonardo decides that he will be friends with Sam because Sam has no friends. ( )
  lispylibrarian | Dec 11, 2019 |
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Leonardo is a terrible monster -- he can't seem to frighten anyone. When he discovers the perfect nervous little boy, will he scare the lunch out of him? Or will he think of something better?

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