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In Public and in Private: Elizabeth I and her World (1998)

by Susan Watkins

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1331209,781 (4.09)1
Elizabeth I was one of the great personalities of all time, Elizabethan England a scintillating cultural era, with an enduring legacy in literature, architecture and sheer style. In this book, newly available in paperback, Susan Watkins takes us to the heart of one of history's most abiding love stories: the extraordinary tale of how Elizabeth set out capture the hearts of her people. Throughout, the inspired special photography of Mark Fiennes, together with portraits and paintings, tapestries and personal objects of the period, gives the perfect visual expression of this evolving love affair of a nation.… (more)

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Beautiful photos and history of Queen Elizabeth through her life. Most impressive section was on the Elizabethan architecture that was developed during her reign and the fantastic castles built in her honor. The portraits of Elizabeth are also the closest approximations that I have yet seen. ( )
1 vote MichelleCH | Apr 5, 2013 |
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For Dr. Elizabeth Jacobs and Miss Alyce Nash, Liz and Sandy, with love, always, and gratitude for teaching me to see with my heart.
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Elizabeth I was one of the great personalities of all time, Elizabethan England a scintillating cultural era, with an enduring legacy in literature, architecture and sheer style. In this book, newly available in paperback, Susan Watkins takes us to the heart of one of history's most abiding love stories: the extraordinary tale of how Elizabeth set out capture the hearts of her people. Throughout, the inspired special photography of Mark Fiennes, together with portraits and paintings, tapestries and personal objects of the period, gives the perfect visual expression of this evolving love affair of a nation.

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