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An Emergent Manifesto of Hope

by Doug Pagitt (Editor), Tony Jones (Editor)

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316283,957 (3.25)2
This unprecedented collection of writings includes articles by some of the most important voices in the emergent conversation, including Brian McLaren, Dan Kimball, and Joe Myers.

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If there were ever a manifesto that outlined the modus operandi of the Emerging Church, "An Emergent Manifesto of Hope" is certainly it. Written by numerous movers and shakers within the EC they touch upon a range of issues such as: evangelism, community, ecclesiology, ecumenism, theology, orthopraxy, inclusiveness, sexuality, social justice, racial reconciliation and so much more. The beliefs and practices outlined in this book are what Brian McLaren terms, "a generous orthodoxy". An orthodoxy that is culturally relevant, inclusive to all, and a step away from the modernistic Enlightenment approach that today's Evangelical Christianity has become complicit with. This is not liberalism or conservative ideology wrapped with religious speak. It is simply a self examination on how we as Christians currently live our lives, do church, and what we can do differently in order to make an everlasting impact upon the world in which we live. Let's face it, the church today has become complacent and apathetic, often engaging in fruitless battles with one another and struggling against the post-modern culture that surrounds it. In order to come out from this rut, we must embrace a new paradigm. A paradigm that embraces a new hope in a church that emerges from the ash heap of modernism and a return to a vintage Christianity that involves a major change in how we do things. This book offers that hope; at the very least a starting point in a new direction. A new direction that I embrace and will instill upon my children effecting many generations to come. ( )
  gdill | May 16, 2013 |
A nice idea, but the result is twenty-some voices in the conversation each trying to be original and nearly all saying almost the exact same thing. It felt like reading two hundred pages of blogs, and I just couldn't finish it. There were a couple of good chapters, but your really have to sift through the rest to find them. ( )
  bmanderson | May 17, 2008 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Pagitt, DougEditorprimary authorall editionsconfirmed
Jones, TonyEditormain authorall editionsconfirmed
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This unprecedented collection of writings includes articles by some of the most important voices in the emergent conversation, including Brian McLaren, Dan Kimball, and Joe Myers.

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