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101 Spy Gadgets for the Evil Genius

by Brad Graham

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Series: Evil Genius Books

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"CREATE FIENDISHLY FUN SPY TOOLS AND COUNTERMEASURESFully updated throughout, this wickedly inventive guide is packed with a wide variety of stealthy sleuthing contraptions you can build yourself. 101 Spy Gadgets for the Evil Genius, Second Edition also shows you how to reclaim your privacy by targeting the very mechanisms that invade your space. Find out how to disable several spy devices by hacking easily available appliances into cool tools of your own, and even turn the tables on the snoopers by using gadgetry to collect information on them.Featuring easy-to-find, inexpensive parts, this hands-on guide helps you build your skills in working with electronics components and tools while you create an impressive arsenal of spy gear and countermeasures. The only limit is your imagination!101 Spy Gadgets for the Evil Genius, Second Edition: Contains step-by-step instructions and helpful illustrations Provides tips for customizing the projects Covers the underlying principles behind the projects Removes the frustration factor--all required parts are listed Build these and other devious devices: Spy camera Infrared light converter Night vision viewer Phone number decoder Phone spammer jammer Telephone voice changer GPS tracking device Laser spy device Remote control hijacker Camera flash taser Portable alarm system Camera trigger hack Repeating camera timer Sound- and motion-activated cameras Camera zoom extender "--. "This fully updated bestseller will further entice electronic hobbyists to build high-tech devices and counteract some of the spy gadgets available on the market"--.… (more)

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I read this as background for a book I'm writing. I found it clear, easy to understand and thought-provoking. ( )
  Worddreams | May 3, 2009 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Brad Grahamprimary authorall editionscalculated
McGowan, Kathymain authorsome editionsconfirmed

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"CREATE FIENDISHLY FUN SPY TOOLS AND COUNTERMEASURESFully updated throughout, this wickedly inventive guide is packed with a wide variety of stealthy sleuthing contraptions you can build yourself. 101 Spy Gadgets for the Evil Genius, Second Edition also shows you how to reclaim your privacy by targeting the very mechanisms that invade your space. Find out how to disable several spy devices by hacking easily available appliances into cool tools of your own, and even turn the tables on the snoopers by using gadgetry to collect information on them.Featuring easy-to-find, inexpensive parts, this hands-on guide helps you build your skills in working with electronics components and tools while you create an impressive arsenal of spy gear and countermeasures. The only limit is your imagination!101 Spy Gadgets for the Evil Genius, Second Edition: Contains step-by-step instructions and helpful illustrations Provides tips for customizing the projects Covers the underlying principles behind the projects Removes the frustration factor--all required parts are listed Build these and other devious devices: Spy camera Infrared light converter Night vision viewer Phone number decoder Phone spammer jammer Telephone voice changer GPS tracking device Laser spy device Remote control hijacker Camera flash taser Portable alarm system Camera trigger hack Repeating camera timer Sound- and motion-activated cameras Camera zoom extender "--. "This fully updated bestseller will further entice electronic hobbyists to build high-tech devices and counteract some of the spy gadgets available on the market"--.

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