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The Daily Bible: New International Version: With Devotional Insights to Guide You Through God's Word

by F. Lagard Smith

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822927,364 (4.43)2
Unlike Any Other Bible You Have Read-Now in the Popular New Living Translation! Want to read the Bible in one year? You can accomplish your goal and experience the Bible like never before. Reading through God's Word has never been easier. That's because The Daily Bible® reorganizes the traditional arrangement of the 66 books in Scripture and places all the text in chronological order. Features: - Uses the text of the best-selling New Living Translation - Divided into easily readable sections that can be completed in one year - Organized chronologically - Includes devotional commentary that provides historical and spiritual insights - Provides clear historical context for a better understanding of Scripture - Proverbs and Ecclesiastes are organized by topic - The Psalms are presented thematically - Harmonized Gospels integrate the life of Christ into one smooth narrative - A chronology of all the major biblical events The Daily Bible® is designed to be read from cover to cover-and understood! Reading through Scripture has never been easier-now you can read the Bible in chronological order! With The Daily Bible®, experience Scripture like never before.… (more)
  1. 20
    Holy Bible - Evangelical Heritage Version (EHV) by Wartburg Project (lhungsbe)
    lhungsbe: My go-to version of the Bible. No additions or deletions. Easy to read.

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First sentence: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

When I found this one at a thrift store, I was super excited because I misread the copyright of the narrated notes by F. Lagard Smith for the copyright of the translation. For most of the world, "which" year for the NIV is a non-issue. There is a percentage for which it matters a great deal. NIV 84 forever! I partly jest. Still the NIV 84 is what I first read and loved. It is ALL the comfort and nostalgia I need. Have I moved on? Yes. Mostly. But don't ask me to gush about the NIV 2011.

This one is arranged into daily dated readings. It is single columns. Each day's reading is marked with a symbol. It is black letter. The font size was decent. It is, of course, chronological, that is what sets this one apart from other Bibles.

I first read the NARRATED BIBLE in 1997 or 1998. It was the second Bible I read cover to cover. I read the NARRATED Bible in three weeks--in between Christmas and the start of the next college semester--so mid January. I absolutely fell in love with F. Lagard Smith's narration. It was just a great experience all around. So I was happy to try to recreate that with this one. Same notes or narrations, different translation. It wasn't the same experience. ( )
  blbooks | May 29, 2024 |
With devotional insights to guide you through God's Word.
  MenoraChurch | May 7, 2023 |
Too confusing from the traditional bible I grew up with. ( )
  RakishaBPL | Sep 24, 2021 |
Daily devotional readings from the Old Testament, Psalms, New Testament. Read the Bible in one year. NIV
  StPLCLibrary | Jan 18, 2015 |
I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone looking to read the entire Bible. Until I participated on a year long bible study, reading the NIV Bible according to the schedule laid out by F. LaGard Smith, I really didn't understand the overall chronology of The Old Testament and how the various history, law, wisdom, and major and minor prophet books in it fit together and related to one another. Smith's harmony of the gospels is also very enlightening, as is his use of the book of Acts as a guide to Paul's letters. Smith's commentaries along the way aren't exstensive enough for in depth study of any particular book, but they are helpful in understanding the order in which he guides you through the entire Bible. ( )
  rmaney | Oct 25, 2010 |
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Unlike Any Other Bible You Have Read-Now in the Popular New Living Translation! Want to read the Bible in one year? You can accomplish your goal and experience the Bible like never before. Reading through God's Word has never been easier. That's because The Daily Bible® reorganizes the traditional arrangement of the 66 books in Scripture and places all the text in chronological order. Features: - Uses the text of the best-selling New Living Translation - Divided into easily readable sections that can be completed in one year - Organized chronologically - Includes devotional commentary that provides historical and spiritual insights - Provides clear historical context for a better understanding of Scripture - Proverbs and Ecclesiastes are organized by topic - The Psalms are presented thematically - Harmonized Gospels integrate the life of Christ into one smooth narrative - A chronology of all the major biblical events The Daily Bible® is designed to be read from cover to cover-and understood! Reading through Scripture has never been easier-now you can read the Bible in chronological order! With The Daily Bible®, experience Scripture like never before.

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