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What Should I Do with My Life?: The True Story of People Who Answered the Ultimate Question (2002)

by Po Bronson

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1,7632710,006 (3.53)19
"Brimming with stories of sacrifice, courage, commitment and, sometimes, failure, the book will support anyone pondering a major life choice or risk without force-feeding them pat solutions."--Publishers Weekly In What Should I Do with My Life? Po Bronson tells the inspirational true stories of people who have found the most meaningful answers to that great question. With humor, empathy, and insight, Bronson writes of remarkable individuals--from young to old, from those just starting out to those in a second career--who have overcome fear and confusion to find a larger truth about their lives and, in doing so, have been transformed by the experience.  What Should I Do with My Life? struck a powerful, resonant chord on publication, causing a multitude of people to rethink their vocations and priorities and start on the path to finding their true place in the world. For this edition, Bronson has added nine new profiles, to further reflect the range and diversity of those who broke away from the chorus to learn the sound of their own voice.… (more)

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Showing 1-5 of 26 (next | show all)
I really think this should be titled "What Other People Did with Their Life." There were some helpful ideas but it told stories of what other people went through and didn't much help me with my issue. ( )
  WellReadSoutherner | Apr 6, 2022 |
I read this book "for a friend" since this question has never crossed my mind! ;) Overall a good read with interesting stories from people he's interviewed and anecdotes from Bronson's own life and career decisions. I liked how stories were organized by uncertainties that are widely held (e.g. beholden to money, family obligations, etc.). I didn't find any of the stories to have "the answer" but that is the point. Life's major decisions can't be distilled into a step 1-2-3 formula. Every journey is different. And this book gives you license to ask the question and explore the answer. ( )
  Mike_Trigg | Feb 10, 2022 |
Meticulously researched and exceptionally well-written, this book explores 55 people's different responses to finding meaningful work and meaningful lives. ( )
  AngelaLam | Feb 8, 2022 |
I was drawn to the title because I am struggling with this question myself. I don't think I have any better answer to the question but I feel better about asking it. ( )
  jenniebooknerd | Dec 31, 2021 |
The author interviews people who struggled to find what they really wanted to do in life. Issues they faced included other people's perceptions, lack of courage, drop in salary, balancing ethics and desires, and understanding where their passions lay.
  Salsabrarian | Feb 2, 2016 |
Showing 1-5 of 26 (next | show all)
Novelist and business writer Bronson spent two years interviewing more than 900 people who had weighed or were weighing that question. From his research came the book, What Should I Do With My Life? The True Story of People Who Answered the Ultimate Question.
added by mikeg2 | editNPR, Po Bronson (Jan 3, 2003)
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"Brimming with stories of sacrifice, courage, commitment and, sometimes, failure, the book will support anyone pondering a major life choice or risk without force-feeding them pat solutions."--Publishers Weekly In What Should I Do with My Life? Po Bronson tells the inspirational true stories of people who have found the most meaningful answers to that great question. With humor, empathy, and insight, Bronson writes of remarkable individuals--from young to old, from those just starting out to those in a second career--who have overcome fear and confusion to find a larger truth about their lives and, in doing so, have been transformed by the experience.  What Should I Do with My Life? struck a powerful, resonant chord on publication, causing a multitude of people to rethink their vocations and priorities and start on the path to finding their true place in the world. For this edition, Bronson has added nine new profiles, to further reflect the range and diversity of those who broke away from the chorus to learn the sound of their own voice.

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Average: (3.53)
1 11
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2 24
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3 67
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4 70
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5 49

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