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Midcentury (1961)

by John Dos Passos

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1101252,894 (2.83)5

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Revisits the structure of the USA trilogy by mixing documentary snippets, biographical sketches, and narrative fiction. The strongest parts are the sketches on labor leaders such as John L. Lewis and Walter Reuther. These are canceled out by weaker and somewhat bizarre sketches like those on Douglas MacArthur and James Dean. The documentary snippets just seem tired compared to the Newsreels of USA. The writing in the narrative sections was uneven, I found a few of them really compelling but others had such poorly written characters it was hard to care. The overall impression of the writing was that of someone who'd had the world completely pass them by. ( )
  encephalical | Jan 1, 2020 |
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First words
Walking down the earth under the stars,

musing midnight in midcentury,

a man treads the road with his dog;

the dog, less timebound in her universe of stench and

shrill, trots eager ahead.
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