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Economic Analysis of Law

by Richard A. Posner

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1641170,220 (4.63)1
The edition of Judge Posner's highly-regarded casebook builds on its strengths to transmit a clear and understandable economic analysis of legal rules and institutions: superb authorship--Judge Posner is not only one of the nation's most respected legal thinkers, but also one of the best casebook writers uniquely broad topical coverage -- no other book addresses as many legal subjects; Posner covers almost the whole legal system sensible organization--based on legal, rather than economic, concepts requires no prior study of economics -- written expressly for law students, this book assumes no familiarity with specific economic or mathematical principles. Fifth Edition topical coverage incluses: affirmative action substantial performance social norms the punishment of wealth criminals to commerce These provocative topics stimulate lively class discussion as they expose students To The process of economic analysis. the book progresses logically from basic to more sophisticated issues: Law and Economics: An Introduction the Common Law Public Regulation of the Market the Law of Business Organizations and Financial Markets Law And The Distribution of Income and Wealth the Legal Process the Constitution And The Federal System An extensive Teacher's Manual offers effective advice for class preparation.… (more)

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Who can beat Posner's thoughtful analysis of...well, almost everything. ( )
  horacewimsey | Dec 17, 2008 |
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The edition of Judge Posner's highly-regarded casebook builds on its strengths to transmit a clear and understandable economic analysis of legal rules and institutions: superb authorship--Judge Posner is not only one of the nation's most respected legal thinkers, but also one of the best casebook writers uniquely broad topical coverage -- no other book addresses as many legal subjects; Posner covers almost the whole legal system sensible organization--based on legal, rather than economic, concepts requires no prior study of economics -- written expressly for law students, this book assumes no familiarity with specific economic or mathematical principles. Fifth Edition topical coverage incluses: affirmative action substantial performance social norms the punishment of wealth criminals to commerce These provocative topics stimulate lively class discussion as they expose students To The process of economic analysis. the book progresses logically from basic to more sophisticated issues: Law and Economics: An Introduction the Common Law Public Regulation of the Market the Law of Business Organizations and Financial Markets Law And The Distribution of Income and Wealth the Legal Process the Constitution And The Federal System An extensive Teacher's Manual offers effective advice for class preparation.

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