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The New York Public Library Desk Reference (1989)

by The New York Public Library

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1,939168,776 (4.04)5
"A Stonesong Press book." This collection of the most frequently sought information is organized into 26 subject areas. Includes events, discoveries, people, facts, dates, terms, etc.

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One of my great joys growing up was working on the "Saturday Evening Post" double-acrostic with my father. We made a good team -- he had an extensive reference collection and knowledge that was complementary to mine. I was more in tune with "current pop culture" and able to make intuitive leaps. So when I got older, I made sure to start my own reference library. This volume fits right in. ( )
  stuartperegrine | Sep 20, 2023 |
Back before the internet, back before Wikipedia, there was the NY Public Library Desk Reference. Such a wealth of information, important, obscure, and miscellaneous! I've never used mine, and it's sat on a shelf for decades. Time to pass it along.
  rybie2 | Aug 3, 2023 |
2nd edition new and revised ( )
  Sweetums | Jul 25, 2022 |
  laplantelibrary | Mar 15, 2022 |
  laplantelibrary | Mar 15, 2022 |
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Wikipedia in English (2)

"A Stonesong Press book." This collection of the most frequently sought information is organized into 26 subject areas. Includes events, discoveries, people, facts, dates, terms, etc.

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