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Son of the Mob (2002)

by Gordon Korman

Series: Son of the Mob (book 1)

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9575122,510 (3.76)1 / 30
Suspense. Humor (Fiction.) Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:A reluctant Mafia prince . . .
Vince Luca is just like any other high school guy. His best friend, Alex, is trying to score vicariously through him; his brother is a giant pain; and his father keeps bugging him to get motivated. There is just one thing that really sets him apart for other kids - his father happens to be the head of a powerful crime organization.
Needless to say, while Vince's family's connections can be handy for certain things (like when teachers are afraid to give him a bad grade), they can put a serious crimp in his dating life. Who wants to explain to your girlfriend what your father does for a living? But when Vince meets a girl who finally seems to be worth the trouble, her family turns out to be the biggest problem of all. Because her father is an FBI agent - the one who has been watching Vince's family for years, and who wants to put his father away for good.
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  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
This is for my young adult book discussion group. I enjoyed it - funny and fast moving story. ( )
  cubsfan3410 | Sep 1, 2018 |
This was a pretty entertaining story. It has lots of humor which isn't quite the norm for a mob story. I enjoyed it. ( )
  ToniFGMAMTC | Jan 19, 2017 |
This was a pretty entertaining story. It has lots of humor which isn't quite the norm for a mob story. I enjoyed it. ( )
  ToniFGMAMTC | Jan 19, 2017 |
Booktalk for "Son of the Mob": (Ask kids what dads do for a living.) So far no one's dad does what Vincent Luca's dad does for a living. And it's probably a good thing because Vince's dad is a mob boss. That's right, Vince's dad is in the Mob. So is Vince's older brother, Tommy. Then there are all the "uncles": Uncle Carmine, Uncle Fingers, Uncle Shank, Uncle Pampers. The uncles get rid of, uh, "problems." As for Vince, he wants no part of the mob life. And his family can respect him for that. Still, the life is all around him and Vince deals with it the best he can, including living with the wiretaps that the FBI installed in their home. But when Vince falls in love with Kendra, what HIS dad does for a living may really cramp his style, especially when he finds out what KENDRA's dad does for a living...he's an FBI agent...

"Hollywood Hustle": Vince Luca is headed off to attend the University of Santa Monica, as far away from his mob family as he can get. He meets some interesting people in his dorm and film class, including his L.A.-hip roommate Trey Sutter, son of a U.S. Congressman. But then VInce's brother Tommy breezes into town, followed by several of their "uncles," and they all spend a lot of time in Vince and Trey's room. Their visit coincides with the kidnapping of a union president just prior to a union election. Vince is convinced his family is somehow involved. Vince is determined to find out the truth but complicating his progress are Trey's kleptomaniac ways, Vince's faltering relationship with girlfriend Kendra, and Tommy's money scam involving USM's international students.
  Salsabrarian | Feb 2, 2016 |
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Suspense. Humor (Fiction.) Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:A reluctant Mafia prince . . .
Vince Luca is just like any other high school guy. His best friend, Alex, is trying to score vicariously through him; his brother is a giant pain; and his father keeps bugging him to get motivated. There is just one thing that really sets him apart for other kids - his father happens to be the head of a powerful crime organization.
Needless to say, while Vince's family's connections can be handy for certain things (like when teachers are afraid to give him a bad grade), they can put a serious crimp in his dating life. Who wants to explain to your girlfriend what your father does for a living? But when Vince meets a girl who finally seems to be worth the trouble, her family turns out to be the biggest problem of all. Because her father is an FBI agent - the one who has been watching Vince's family for years, and who wants to put his father away for good.

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Vince Luga, high school student and son of a crime boss, is trying his best to stay out of his father's "business". But then he meets this the girl of his dreams: beautiful, funny, and the daughter of the FBI agent trying to take Vince's dad down. Korman uses lots of humor in describing how Vince juggles the love of this girl and the loyalty to his family.
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