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Spells of Binding (1988)

by Will Shetterly (Editor), Emma Bull (Editor)

Other authors: Lee Barwood (Contributor), Steven Brust (Contributor), Nathan A. Bucklin (Contributor), Kara Dalkey (Contributor), Charles de Lint (Contributor)6 more, Pamela Dean (Contributor), John M. Ford (Contributor), Gregory Frost (Contributor), Megan Lindholm (Contributor), Patricia C. Wrede (Contributor), Jane Yolen (Contributor)

Other authors: See the other authors section.

Series: Liavek (4)

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1471190,193 (3.74)2

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I enjoyed this book, which has stories by a number of my favorite authors. Unlike most anthologies, even shared-world anthologies, some of the stories were intricately linked. Two stories, in particular, revolved around the same set of events, but from the perspectives of different characters. ( )
  PamelaDLloyd | Dec 2, 2010 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Shetterly, WillEditorprimary authorall editionsconfirmed
Bull, EmmaEditormain authorall editionsconfirmed
Barwood, LeeContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Brust, StevenContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Bucklin, Nathan A.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Dalkey, KaraContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
de Lint, CharlesContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Dean, PamelaContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Ford, John M.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Frost, GregoryContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Lindholm, MeganContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Wrede, Patricia C.Contributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Yolen, JaneContributorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed
Sweet, DarrellCover artistsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Wickwire, JackMapssecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed

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Liavek (4)
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To Liz, who moved Liavek to Ontario; and to Lynda, Heather, Jean and Dot, who plug Liavek in Pennsylvania.
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The print books of the Liavek series -

Liavek 1
  • Badu's Luck by Emma Bull

  • The Green Rabbit from S'Rian by Gene Wolfe

  • Ancient Curses by Patricia C Wrede

  • Birth Luck by Nancy Kress

  • An Act of Contrition by Steven Brust

  • The Inn of the Demon Camel by Jane Yolen

  • The Hands of the Artist by Kara Dalkey

  • The Green Cat by Pamela Dean

  • A Coincidence of Birth by Megan Lindholm

  • Bound Things by Will Shetterly

  • The Fortune Maker by Barry B Longyear

  • Appendix 1: A Tourist's Guide to Liavek in the Year 3317

  • Appendix 2: A Magician's Primer

  • Appendix 3: Liavek: A Creation Myth

  • Liavek 2: The Players of Luck

  • A Happy Birthday by Will Shetterly

  • Before the Paint is Dry by Kara Dalkey

  • The Rat's Alley Shuffle by Charles de Lint

  • Two Houses in Saltigos by Pamela Dean

  • Rikiki and the Wizard by Patricia C Wrede

  • Dry Well by Nathan A Bucklin

  • Choice of the Black Goddess by Gene Wolfe

  • The Ballad of the Quick Levars by Jane Yolen

  • Pot Luck by Megan Lindholm

  • Show of Faith by Gregory Frost

  • An Act of Trust by Steven Brust

  • Ishu's Gift by Charles R Saunders

  • A Cup of Worrynot Tea by John M Ford

  • The Well-Made Plan by Emma Bull

  • Liavek 3: Wizard's Row

  • An Act of Mercy by Megan Lindholm and Steven Brust

  • Green is the Color by John M Ford

  • Paint the Meadows with Delight by Pamela Dean

  • The World in the Rock by Kara Dalkey

  • Baker's Dozen by Bradley Denton

  • Cenedwine Brocade by Caroline Stevermer

  • A Hypothetical Lizard by Alan Moore

  • Training Ground by Nancy Kress

  • Appendix 1: A Liavekan Songbook

  • ~ City of Luck by Jane Yolen

    ~ The Ballad of the Quick Levars by Jane Yolen

    ~ Eel Island Shoals by John M Ford

    ~ Pot-Boil Blues by John M Ford

  • Appendix 2: A Handbook for the Apprentice Magician

  • Liavek 4: Spells of Binding
  • Riding the Hammer by John M Ford

  • Portrait of Vengeance by Kara Dalkey

  • The Skin and Knife Game by Lee Barwood and Charles de Lint

  • Strings Attached by Nathan A Bucklin

  • The Last Part of the Tragical History of Acrilat by Pamela Dean

  • Mad God by Patricia C Wrede

  • The Tale of the Stuffed Levar by Jane Yolen

  • An Act of Love by Steven Brust, Gregory Frost and Megan Lindholm

  • Spells of Binding by Pamela Dean

  • Liavek 5: Festival Week
  • Procession Day / Remembrance Night: Processional / Recessional by John M Ford

  • A Necessary End by Pamela Dean

  • Bazaar Day: Ballad by John M Ford

  • The True Tale of Count Dashif's Demise by Jane Yolen

  • Festival Day: Catechism by John M Ford

  • Six Days Outside the Year by Will Shetterly

  • The Levar's Night Out by Patricia C Wrede

  • Restoration Day: Plainsong by John M Ford

  • The ebooks of the Liavek series -

    Liavek 1 : City of Luck (volume 1)
  • Badu's Luck by Emma Bull

  • The Green Rabbit from S'Rian by Gene Wolfe

  • Birth Luck by Nancy Kress

  • An Act of Contrition by Steven Brust

  • The Inn of the Demon Camel by Jane Yolen

  • Appendix 1: A Tourist's Guide to Liavek in the Year 3317

  • Appendix 2: A Magician's Primer

  • Appendix 3: A Handbook for the Apprentice Magician

  • Appendix 4: Liavek: A Creation Myth

  • Liavek 2 : City of Luck (volume 2)
  • The Hands of the Artist by Kara Dalkey

  • A Coincidence of Birth by Megan Lindholm

  • Bound Things by Will Shetterly

  • The Fortune Maker by Barry Longyear

  • Liavek 3: The Players of Luck (volume 1)
  • A Happy Birthday by Will Shetterly

  • Before the Paint is Dry by Kara Dalkey

  • The Rat's Alley Shuffle by Charles de Lint

  • Dry Well by Nathan A Bucklin

  • Dry Well of Dondar (lyrics) by Alison Bucklin

  • Choice of the Black Goddess by Gene Wolfe

  • The Ballad of the Quick Levars by Jane Yolen

  • Liavek 4: The Players of Luck (volume 2)
  • Pot Luck by Megan Lindholm

  • Show of Faith by Gregory Frost

  • An Act of Trust by Steven Brust

  • A Cup of Worrynot Tea by John M Ford

  • The Well-Made Plan by Emma Bull

  • Liavek 5: Wizards Row (volume 1)
  • An Act of Mercy by Megan Lindholm and Steven Brust

  • The World in the Rock by Kara Dalkey

  • Baker's Dozen by Bradley Denton

  • Green is the Color by John M Ford

  • Appendix: A Liavekan Songbook

  • ~ City of Luck: The Liavekan National Anthem by Jane Yolen

    ~ The Ballad of the Quick Levars by Jane Yolen

    ~ Eel Island Shoals by John M Ford

    ~ Pot-boil Blues by John M Ford

    Liavek 6: Wizard's Row (volume 2)
  • Cenedwine Brocade by Caroline Stevermer

  • A Hypothetical Lizard by Alan Moore

  • Training Ground by Nancy Kress

  • Riding the Hammer by John M Ford

  • Liavek 7: Spells of Binding
  • Portrait of Vengeance by Kara Dalkey

  • The Skin and Knife Game by Lee Barwood and Charles de Lint

  • Strings Attached by Nathan A Bucklin

  • The Tale of the Stuffed Levar by Jane Yolen

  • An Act of Love by Steven Brust, Gregory Frost and Megan Lindholm

  • Spells of Binding by Pamela Dean

  • Liavek 8: Festival Week
  • The Grand Festival: Sestina by John M Ford

  • Consequences by Walter Jon Williams

  • Divination Day: Invocation by John M Ford

  • As Bright as New Coppers by Bradley Denton

  • Birth Day: Sonnet by John M Ford

  • A Hot Night at Cheeky's by Steven Brust

  • Procession Day/Remembrance Night: Processional/Recessional by John M Ford

  • A Prudent Obedience by Kara Dalkey

  • Bazaar Day: Ballad by John M Ford

  • The True Tale of Count Dashif's Demise by Jane Yolen

  • Festival Day: Catechism by John M Ford

  • Six Days Outside the Year by Will Shetterley

  • Restoration Day: Plainsong by John M Ford

  • It looks like there are some new stories in the ebooks not in the original print editions, and some stories in the print editions do not appear in the ebook editions (but note that many of Pamela Dean's and Patricia C Wrede's stories are collected in Points of Departure).
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