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Cold Fear

by Rick Mofina

Series: Reed-Sydowski (2)

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2731299,496 (3.64)3
In the remote reaches of Glacier National Park, a ten-year-old girl disappears on a family camping trip.At a rescue command center, a multi-agency task force launches a massive search, while the dramatic story grips an entire nation.Now, as a little girl fights to survive in the wilderness, a desperate mother enters her own life-and-death race to rescue her child.Because time is running out. And because someone else wants to find her daughter -- someone who knows a dark secret from the past, and where the deepest terror lies...… (more)

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An excellent thriller.
Paige Baker is lost in the Montana's Glacier National Park. Due to past cases involving children, FBI gets involved from the start along with Park rangers and SFPD. They immediately suspect foul play and Doug and Emily Baker (the parents) are immediately under suspicion. The events leading to the Baker's family vacation further complicates the case. In the meantime, there is something Emily is hiding about her past that seems to be connected to the case.
In a parallel story, A child killer Isaiah Hood is scheduled to be executed. But a last minute plea of innocence by him baffles his lawyer David Cohen. He tries to investigate and finds a shocking connection between Hood and the missing girls case.
What is the connection? Is Paige really lost? Is Paige alive or dead? Can FBI uncover Emily's secrets? What are these secrets? Is Doug responsible for the events?
Answers to all these questions are revealed in the un-putdown-able book by Rick Mofina.
I am giving a 5 star review for a book after a very long time (in fact, first time except harry potter books which I really like). And the book deserves it. This is a thriller that lives up to expectations till the very last page of the book. There is never a dull moment in the narration and you feel exhilarated by the end. You are tired as if you were involved in the search for Paige, as if you were investigating the case yourself. I have never felt like this before, (may be only once when I read [b: Da Vinci Code|968|The Da Vinci Code (Robert Langdon, #2)|Dan Brown|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1303252999s/968.jpg|2982101]).
Thrillers and Suspense novels usually suffer from poor endings where you enjoy reading the book till the very end and then feel disappointed when you read the climax either because the ending seems to be out of the blue with no clue in the entire book, or because you had already anticipated the end. In this book however, you get to formulate 3-4 possible endings and each of these are explored in the book. At the end, you are not disappointed to find one of these to be true. That is the power of narration by [a: Rick Mofina|93666|Rick Mofina|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1277928341p2/93666.jpg].
If you love Thriller stories, This is a must read. If you love any type of Fiction, this is a must read. ( )
  ktn_vrce | Jul 5, 2024 |
A bit unrealistic, but it kept you wanting to know the ending. Goodreads In the remote, rugged corner of Montana?s Glacier National Park known as the Devil?s Grasp, little Paige Baker of San Francisco disappears with her dog, Kobee, while on a camping trip with her family; or so her mother and father have told authorities.A multi-agency task force launches a massive search as Paige fights to survive in the wilderness. Time hammers against her and soon the nation is gripped by the life-and-death drama.Secretly, behind the scenes, the FBI grows suspicious of Paige?s parents. Their recent history and disturbing evidence links them to a horrible secret from the past. (less)
  bentstoker | Jan 26, 2024 |
I really enjoyed this book! It captured my attention from the very beginning and I could not put the book down. I did not realize this book was the second in a series and I love the fact that the story does not require you to have read the first book. Rick Mofina spins a very gripping story. I did not expect the twists to the story andentertaining. found it to be very ( )
  marytblogs | Sep 22, 2023 |
In Montana’s Glacier National Park, a little girl has disappeared with her dog. A multi-agency task force begins to search for the child. As the FBI digs deeper into the parents they begin to question if the child is missing or something more dreadful has occurred. Secrets are uncovered, questionable pasts revealed, and the nation waits for news.
Rick Mofina spins a very gripping story with twists to the story I did not expect. A great read and and very entertaining. ( )
  marytblogs | Jul 5, 2023 |
I got wrapped up in all of the characters. Thoroughly enjoyable, suspenseful. ( )
  SarahStir | Oct 23, 2022 |
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For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world... – Ephesians 6:12
Suspicion always haunts the guilty mind... –Third part of King Henry VI, Act V, Scene VI, William Shakespeare
To the memory of my mother.
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The last thing Paige Baker saw before fleeing her family's campsite was the blood dripping from her father's axe.
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In the remote reaches of Glacier National Park, a ten-year-old girl disappears on a family camping trip.At a rescue command center, a multi-agency task force launches a massive search, while the dramatic story grips an entire nation.Now, as a little girl fights to survive in the wilderness, a desperate mother enters her own life-and-death race to rescue her child.Because time is running out. And because someone else wants to find her daughter -- someone who knows a dark secret from the past, and where the deepest terror lies...

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