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The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Trees (2002)

by John White, David More

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761359,188 (4.25)None
Profiles nearly two thousand tree species and cultivars found in North America and Europe, with paintings of important details, and describes the native range of each species.
  1. 00
    Collins Tree Guide by Owen Johnson (chrisharpe)
    chrisharpe: The Collins book is a true field guide, while the hefty - but exqusite - Cassell tome can be consulted at home.

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Dieses Standardwerk stellt die Vielfalt europäischer und eingeführter Bäume sowie Sträucher umfassend vor. Über 2100 Arten und Sorten, hervorragend illustriert mit über 5700 Farbzeichnungen sind vertreten. Bis zu acht Detailzeichnungen pro Art zeigen alle wesentlichen Merkmale wie Blüten, Blätter in verschiedenen Färbungen, Borken, Früchte, Samen und Winterknospen.
  dhana | Nov 22, 2005 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
John Whiteprimary authorall editionscalculated
More, Davidmain authorall editionsconfirmed
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North American readers come to this European book from a privileged position and a different viewpoint.
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Profiles nearly two thousand tree species and cultivars found in North America and Europe, with paintings of important details, and describes the native range of each species.

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