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Coyote: A Trickster Tale from the American Southwest

by Gerald McDermott

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7022633,379 (3.74)1
Coyote, who has a nose for trouble, insists that the crows teach him how to fly, but the experience ends in disaster for him.

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This book is about a folktale from the Native American culture. The coyote is on a mission, of sorts, to make the world bright and colorful, but he tends to get himself into trouble.
  haileycinq | Oct 26, 2023 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
A folktale that explains how coyotes got their gray fur and black tail tip. In the story, a coyote gets in trouble for following its nose.
  Lou_Sanz | Jul 22, 2020 |
A story of Coyote, the Native American trickster, brought to life and inspired by Zuni folklore and southwestern design.
  NMiller22 | Aug 13, 2019 |
This is a Pueblo of Zuni story about Coyote, who has a nose for trouble. He wants to sing and dance and fly like the crows. So each crow gives him a feather from his left wing. Coyote dances and sings (badly) but when he tries to fly he is off balance because all the feathers were from the left. So each crow gives him a feather from his right wing. Now Coyote becomes so arrogant that the crows get very upset. They all fly high into the air, and the crows take their feathers back, causing Coyote to fall to the dust with his tail on fire, which is why is is now dust colored with a black tip on his tail. ( )
  Tarawyn | Dec 6, 2017 |
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Coyote. Blue Coyote. He was going along, following his nose. He had a nose for trouble.
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Coyote, who has a nose for trouble, insists that the crows teach him how to fly, but the experience ends in disaster for him.

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4 17
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