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Warlock at the Wheel and Other Stories (1981)

by Diana Wynne Jones

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1212230,785 (3.66)6
This is a funny and light-hearted collection of stories in which children achieve justice for themselves and others, often using the power of magic.

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Great fun and a wonderful companion to her Chrestomanci series. ( )
  wealhtheowwylfing | Feb 29, 2016 |
Diana Wynne Jones's short story collections tend, I find, to be disappointing. For one thing, there are several of them under different titles, but a lot of the stories are repeated across them. For another … some of the stories themselves are pretty weak. THERE, I SAID IT. However, the most notable thing about this one is the truly, hideously, godawful, amateurish, hacked-together-in-ten-minutes-by-Tracy-from-the-typing-pool front cover. Seriously, check it out. Good god almighty. ( )
  phoebesmum | Jan 7, 2012 |
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This is a funny and light-hearted collection of stories in which children achieve justice for themselves and others, often using the power of magic.

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Book description

* Warlock at the wheel

* The plague of peacocks

* The fluffy pink toadstool

* Auntie Bea’s day out

* Carruthers

* No one

* Dragon reserve, home eight

* The sage of Theare
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2 1
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3 7
3.5 4
4 12
5 3

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