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Lesbian Sex

by JoAnn Loulan

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Mundane, involved, soul-searching treatises on Lesbianism. The human voices really came through, the pain, angst, jubilation of liberation.... It was real.

I'm not sure what I was looking for, but I'll tell you this wasn't it. ( )
  Auntie-Nanuuq | Jan 18, 2016 |
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This book is dedicated to all the women who have been and will be forced to be silent for so long.  Thank you for your gift of existing.  Only because of you have we been able to speak our names.
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Introduction:  This is a book about lesbian sex, written by a lesbian counselor, for lesbians.
For centuries now sex has been defined by men.
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This is a book about lesbian sex, written by a lesbian counselor, for garden variety lesbians. It was written with a specific intent in mind: to help you achieve the kind of sex lives you want. This book is for each of us. A call to making our sex lives ours again. For so many years we have given our sex lives away to the closest person, family member or government. We don't have to do that anymore. Here it is in black and white: you can have what you want out of sex.
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