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Stone Butch Blues (1993)

by Leslie Feinberg

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2,161407,567 (4.25)53
Jess Goldberg decides to come out as a butch in the bars and factories of the prefeminist '60s and then to pass as a man in order to survive when she is left without work or a community in the early '70s.

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I don't think this review box could possibly hold all that I learned from this book. (Must write more later) ( )
  caedocyon | Feb 15, 2024 |
This was a pretty difficult read. The book itself is easy to read but the content is pretty heavy. I read it several years ago for a book club and some of the parts of the book are seared into my memory. ( )
  brozic | Jan 27, 2024 |
simply phenomenal. ( )
  femmedyke | Sep 27, 2023 |
Masculine girl growing up and coming out as a young butch lesbian in pre-Stonewall gay drag bars
  JimandMary69 | Aug 20, 2023 |
First let me say, I stayed up pretty late to finish this book and I read it at work. All in all it probably took me 8-10 hours to finish.

Only a few books have left a long lasting impression on me. Judy Blume's Forever is one of them and to be honest I can't really remember another one. I have read a ton of books and none of them ever had me question life the way this book did. I am ashamed to say that this is the first LGBT novel I have read that wasn't a fanfic or manga. I am so glad that I read this novel first. On television there is a lot of queerbating, unnecessary drama in LGBT relationships, and 99% of the time a gay character dies (Tara from Buffy... remember?). So, I can admit that I was a bit nervous about venturing in the world of LGBT novels.

This book is about Jess, a lesbian who is so confused about life that I just want to give her a hug and buy her some chipotle. She has no one to guide her or help with her feelings, she at times can come off as ignorant and biased, but her pain is so real it has you forgiving her instantly. This book is not happy at all, it leaves you feeling like you've been punched in the stomach but after wards the assailant gives you ice cream. Don't get me wrong, the book isn't sad either, and the only way I can describe it is dark. This novel is dark, it deals with, bullying, harassment at the work place, mental illness, police brutality, violence, rape, depression, pride, racism, sexism, AIDS, love, romance, failed relationships, and hurt. This book at times was hard to read, not because of the above but because I just wanted to pound everyone who wronged Jess, take her out to dinner, and be her friend.

If you want to read something that inspires you, makes you angry, but gives you hope then definitely read this book. You will not regret it. Get it for free here: http://www.lesliefeinberg.net/ ( )
  Koralis | Jul 12, 2022 |
Showing 1-5 of 37 (next | show all)
Feinberg attempts to present Goldberg's life as the personal side of political history, but the narrative seems unattached to time despite the insertion of landmark events like the Stonewall riot and the mention of Reagan and the Moral Majority.
added by DorsVenabili | editPublishers Weekly (Feb 1, 1993)
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Jess Goldberg decides to come out as a butch in the bars and factories of the prefeminist '60s and then to pass as a man in order to survive when she is left without work or a community in the early '70s.

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