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Dark Canyon (1963)

by Louis L'Amour

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598540,588 (3.64)7
Fiction. Western. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:When Gaylord Riley walked away from the Coburn gang, he had money and a dream. He worked hard and built a cabin, gathered a herd of cattle, and fell in love with Marie Shattuck.
But when he is confronted with false accusations of rustling and murder, Riley is forced to defend his new law-abiding way of life. Outnumbered and facing a lynching party, Riley is surprised when his old friends return to lend him a hand. But how can they help him and keep themselves out of jail? With the local marshal already suspicious of Riley, the Coburn gang will have to plan well and move fast. But that shouldn't be a problem. Their reputation was built by doing just that.… (more)

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  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
This is a story about a young man growing up and finding his own life in a rather hostile small town in an area that sounds like it is north and west of the Gunnison River, since the Dark Canyon's depth makes it most likely to be the Black Canyon of the Gunnison. So, perhaps much of this story takes place in Colorado, certainly along the western and northern border of Colorado. The romantic thread is very weak, but the book is short, so maybe there just wasn't space to make that part better developed. I liked the idea of a retirement plan for outlaws that forms a central idea in this book. ( )
  JBarringer | Dec 30, 2017 |
This was first western I have ever read. I really enjoyed it ( )
  harleyqgrayson02 | Jul 27, 2015 |
One his best beginnings because it starts off with the story of the bad guys. Then classic great Louis L'Amour. ( )
  ague | Mar 19, 2008 |
got from bob f good fun read ( )
  bushard | Jun 22, 2010 |
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To Catherine . . .
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When Jim Colburn rode into the hide-out at sundown he was not alone.
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Fiction. Western. Thriller. Historical Fiction. HTML:When Gaylord Riley walked away from the Coburn gang, he had money and a dream. He worked hard and built a cabin, gathered a herd of cattle, and fell in love with Marie Shattuck.
But when he is confronted with false accusations of rustling and murder, Riley is forced to defend his new law-abiding way of life. Outnumbered and facing a lynching party, Riley is surprised when his old friends return to lend him a hand. But how can they help him and keep themselves out of jail? With the local marshal already suspicious of Riley, the Coburn gang will have to plan well and move fast. But that shouldn't be a problem. Their reputation was built by doing just that.

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