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The Cat Who Sniffed Glue (1988)

by Lilian Jackson Braun

Series: The Cat Who... (8)

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1,4061413,528 (3.59)31
Living in the peaceful city of Pickax may be restful, but it certainly isn't dull. At least not for one of the most eligible bachelors in town, veteran newspaperman Jim Qwilleran. Having inherited millions, Qwilleran and his two feline companions, Koko and Yum, are preparing to settle down into a life of purrfect luxury. That is, until the son of a rich banker and his wife are found murdered. To the police, it looks like a robbery gone awry. But then Koko develops an odd appetite for glue. Qwilleran doesn't spot the clue until his beloved Siamese's taste for paste tangles them in a web of love, danger, and their stickiest case yet!.… (more)

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When the son and daughter-in-law of a prominent family in the far-north town of Pickax is murdered by what looks like a robbery gone wrong, former crime reporter Jim Qwilleran can't help but ask the probing questions the police aren't. And is it possible that someone is using the recent rash of vandalism in the area to cover something more sinister?

Koko is at it again, though he seems to be licking glue at least as much as he's smelling it. I always try to figure out how his antics connect to the crime, and I don't know if my lack of being able to do so is because I've never been very good at making connections when reading or watching mystery stories or because Braun doesn't give the readers enough clues.

I've been enjoying this series overall, though this one didn't stand out to me as much as others have. Qwill made some wise decisions in this book regarding the women in his life, though I knew what the outcome would ultimately be, since I've read some of the later books in the series long ago. This is my first time going through from start to finish, though, and I'm glad I made the decision to do so. ( )
  Kristi_D | Sep 22, 2023 |
This is one of my favourite books in this series — Qwilleran is firmly established in Moose County, the newspaper’s starting up, there’s a play, the characters have evolved but not yet descended into caricature. It’s a solid early-to-middle middle installment in the series and I would argue a reasonable place to start if you haven’t tried the series. ( )
  rabbitprincess | Sep 30, 2022 |
Another reread of a long ago listened to audio book, just as good as the first time. The series really hit it's stride with a mystery, small town life, journalism and Shakespeare. ( )
  kevn57 | Dec 8, 2021 |
The Cat Who Sniffed Glue
I canÛªt believe how fast I‰Ûªm blowing through these. #8 in the series was another good one, with the most interesting murder so far; involving a set of wealthy twins and a family that did not quite live up to its sterling reputation.

A lot of the now-familiar characters are on hand. Arch Riker, Hixie Rice, and Junior Goodwinter are all involved in the launch of the eagerly awaited newspaper that is replacing the Picaxe Picayune. (That publication went belly up in the last book after the owner/editor was murdered.) A contest to name the new paper came up with ‰ÛÏThe Moose County Something.‰Û Qwill decides to abandon his ill-conceived plan to write a novel and will be a contributing feature writer. This will give him the opportunity to interview some of Moose County's more colorful characters and gets him back into the career that he has missed since moving from Down Below.

On the romantic front, Qwill has already screwed up his relationship with Polly by getting a little too friendly with Francesca Brodie. She is helping him redecorate his bachelor pad, and is also involved in the local theater group he has recently joined. In a surprise move, Arch Riker proposes to Amanda Goodwinter, Francesca‰Ûªs cranky boss.

The cats were mentioned frequently but Koko‰Ûªs role in solving the crime didn‰Ûªt become obvious until the very end, which involved a neat surprise.

Originally published: 1988

Body Count: 7 David Fitch and Belle Fitch (murder, shot); Mrs. Fitch (stroke) and Mr. Fitch (suicide, shot); Chad and 2 guys from Chipmunk (train/car wreck)

Preceded by: The Cat Who Knew Shakespeare

Next Up: The Cat Who Went Underground ( )
  AngeH | Jan 2, 2020 |
What an absolute delight to spend reading time with favorite characters Jim Qwilleran with Siamese cats Koko and Yum Yum. Regardless of what Jim Qwilleran is describing - daily habits with Koko and Yum Yum and his dining adventures with various female friends and acquaintances, he can make the ordinary become extraordinary. As Jim is back on the trail for a good story to meet new deadlines, this one definitely becomes one of my favorites of the series.

One hurries to enjoy the adventures and how murder and mayhem play a part but the story is always over too soon. Thankfully, there are many more in the series to read and savor. ( )
  FerneMysteryReader | Nov 9, 2019 |
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Living in the peaceful city of Pickax may be restful, but it certainly isn't dull. At least not for one of the most eligible bachelors in town, veteran newspaperman Jim Qwilleran. Having inherited millions, Qwilleran and his two feline companions, Koko and Yum, are preparing to settle down into a life of purrfect luxury. That is, until the son of a rich banker and his wife are found murdered. To the police, it looks like a robbery gone awry. But then Koko develops an odd appetite for glue. Qwilleran doesn't spot the clue until his beloved Siamese's taste for paste tangles them in a web of love, danger, and their stickiest case yet!.

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