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Interpreting the New Testament: An Introduction to the Principles and Methods of N.T. Exegesis

by Hans Conzelmann

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"This is not an ordinary 'Introduction' but a manual for exegetical work written for the serious student of the New Testament. Rather than suggesting some easily accessible generalities, the book challenges the readers to apply themselves to the texts, and it will guide such efforts step by step as it leads the readers through the methodological rigors of scholarship. In scholarly method it represents the very best that has been developed primarily in the work of German biblical interpretation over the last hundred years. But it is not theory of exegesis that is taught; it is applied exegesis, exegetical praxis. Those who will follow the advice which this book gives will be richly rewarded as they become more conversant with the living voice of the gospel that is enshrined in the words, phrases, and sentences of Scripture."" Helmut Koester, Harvard University, The Divinity School"This unique and comprehensive handbook will be a boon to any serious student of the New Testament. The authors are expert guides to the current state of research as well as to the tasks and methods of exegesis."" Victor Paul Furnish, Southern Methodist University… (more)

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Good basic introduction to the historical critical method applied to the NT. Since it first appeared in 1975, helped more than a generation of theology students prepare for their exams. ( )
  HenrySt123 | Jul 19, 2021 |
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Original title: Arbeitsbuch zum Neuen Testament
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"This is not an ordinary 'Introduction' but a manual for exegetical work written for the serious student of the New Testament. Rather than suggesting some easily accessible generalities, the book challenges the readers to apply themselves to the texts, and it will guide such efforts step by step as it leads the readers through the methodological rigors of scholarship. In scholarly method it represents the very best that has been developed primarily in the work of German biblical interpretation over the last hundred years. But it is not theory of exegesis that is taught; it is applied exegesis, exegetical praxis. Those who will follow the advice which this book gives will be richly rewarded as they become more conversant with the living voice of the gospel that is enshrined in the words, phrases, and sentences of Scripture."" Helmut Koester, Harvard University, The Divinity School"This unique and comprehensive handbook will be a boon to any serious student of the New Testament. The authors are expert guides to the current state of research as well as to the tasks and methods of exegesis."" Victor Paul Furnish, Southern Methodist University

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