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Josefina's Surprise: A Christmas Story

by Valerie Tripp

Series: American Girls: Josefina (3), American Girls (Josefina 3)

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1,215816,538 (3.96)1
The second Christmas after their mother has died, Josefina and her three sisters find that participating in the traditions of Las Posadas helps keep memories of Mama alive.

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The third in a sad but relatively uneventful children's historical fiction series. The main point of interest in this one would be learning about Las Posadas, a nice Christmas tradition that involved the whole community to act and sing out Mary and Joseph (Marie & José) being repeatedly denied a place to stay. It is still practiced today, but probably not in the way depicted in this book that included the whole village.

The main story is still about the girls coping with their mother's death. That's not the most exciting story, but it could be invaluable to kids in similar circumstances. ( )
  bannedforaday | Oct 22, 2023 |
American Girl, Josephina series. Spanish language.
  BLTSbraille | Oct 4, 2021 |
The second Christmas after their mother has died, Josefina and her three sisters find that participating in the traditions of Las Posadas helps keep memories of Mama alive.
  BLTSbraille | Sep 4, 2021 |
It's Christmas time and all the sisters are having trouble looking forward to the festivities when mama has been gone for a year. Josefina doesn't feel ready to play Maria in the Posadas, and her older sister won't find the doll that should have gone to her the year before. Interesting to hear about the Christmas customs in old New Mexico. ( )
  Marse | Feb 2, 2020 |
Josefina Montoya is a nine-year-old girl growing up on her family's rancho near Santa Fe, New Mexico, in 1824. Mama died last year, and since then, life for Josefina, her father, and her older sisters, Ana, Clara, and Francisca. Even though things have been better since Mama's sister, Tia Dolores, came to help out, the Montoyas still grieve. Josefina feels that celebrating the Christmas traditions will make her miss Mama more - but they bring her peace and happiness. And one special night gives Josefina courage and hope for the future, and brings Josefina an unexpected gift. This book was very good and I learned a lot about the traditions of Mexican families living on the Southwest frontier in the 1820s.
  Legos | Mar 1, 2014 |
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The second Christmas after their mother has died, Josefina and her three sisters find that participating in the traditions of Las Posadas helps keep memories of Mama alive.

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