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Passion and Purity (1984)

by Elisabeth Elliot

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2,848205,133 (4.11)7
In her classic book, Elisabeth Elliot candidly shares her love story with Jim Elliot through letters, diary entries, and memories. She is honest about the temptations, difficulties, victories, and sacrifices of two young people whose commitment to Christ took priority over their love for each other. These revealing personal glimpses, combined with relevant biblical teaching, will remind readers that only by putting their human passion and desire through His fire can God purify their love. In a culture obsessed with dating, sex, and intimacy, the need for Elliot's freeing message is greater than ever. This beautifully repackaged edition will appeal to today's young people.… (more)

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A helpful book in which Elizabeth talks about being single and being married. Dating and the role of men and women in relationships. ( )
  CCWLibrary | Jun 20, 2024 |
This book looks at dating and the Christian. It explores the author's own decisions; good and not so good. It encourages the reader to no matter what put God/Christ first in their life. ( )
  Kristelh | May 26, 2024 |
The author candidly shares the temptations, difficulties, victories and sacrifices of 2 young people whose commitment to Christ took priority over their love for each other.
  MenoraChurch | Dec 6, 2023 |
The author candidly shares the temptations, difficulties, victories and sacrifices of 2 young people whose commitment to Christ took priority over their love for each other
  MenoraChurch | Dec 6, 2023 |
I’ve read books about dating and purity before, but never one quite like this. Mrs. Elliot shares her and Jim’s love story, and interspersed with their story are thoughts and a lot of advice about what they did right, what they did wrong, and what the Bible has to say about the many different aspects of dating and relationships in general. This is a very practical book. She doesn’t push a particular relationship style (dating vs. courtship, etc.), but what she does do is encourage every single—young or old alike—to dedicate their lives to the Lord, and let Him have the ultimate say. The main encouragement I got from this book was to put the Lord first in everything—and that kind of advice is applicable in every area of life, not just in romance! I’d recommend this book to every young person who is serious about following the Lord, and just about everyone else, too. This book is full of practical encouragement, and I believe it is just as relevant today as it was when it was first published thirty years ago. ( )
  EstherFilbrun | Jan 19, 2023 |
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Der einzige Platz ausserhalb des Himmels, wo man absolut sicher ist vor allen Gefahren und Unruhen der Liebe, ist die Hölle.

C. S. Lewis
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Einen grossartigen Ausblick bot das Fenster nicht gerade.
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In her classic book, Elisabeth Elliot candidly shares her love story with Jim Elliot through letters, diary entries, and memories. She is honest about the temptations, difficulties, victories, and sacrifices of two young people whose commitment to Christ took priority over their love for each other. These revealing personal glimpses, combined with relevant biblical teaching, will remind readers that only by putting their human passion and desire through His fire can God purify their love. In a culture obsessed with dating, sex, and intimacy, the need for Elliot's freeing message is greater than ever. This beautifully repackaged edition will appeal to today's young people.

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Five years passed before Jim Elliot knew it was God's will that he and Elisabeth marry -- years of loneliness, longing, impatience and hope. Drawing on her letters and diary entries, Elisabeth Elliot tells of the victories and sacrifices of these two young people whose commitment to Christ takes priority over their love for each other. The lessons they learn are lessons for all who seek to follow Christ wholeheartedly and to entrust even their love lives to Him.
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