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Condensed Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos Magic

by Phil Hine

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Condensed Chaos provides a practical introduction to Chaos Magic, one of the fastest growing areas of Western Occultism. Through it you can change your circumstances, live according to a developing sense of personal responsibility, effect change around you, and stop living as a helpless cog in some clockwork universe. All acts of personal/collective liberation are magical acts. Magic leads us into exhilaration and ecstasy; into insight and understanding; into changing ourselves and the world in which we participate. Through magic we may come to explore the possibilities of freedom.… (more)

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Probably time to read this again. Need to crack open my spiritual side again.
  PeterKahle | Sep 17, 2010 |
The discussion of groups and politics in this book is surprisingly true for other semi-academic groups as well, such as universities and the Indie RPG Theory crowd. ( )
  tundranocaps | Feb 3, 2009 |
Recommended by Grant Morrison (POP MAGIC!)
  MightyLeaf | May 25, 2010 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Phil Hineprimary authorall editionscalculated
Carroll, PeterForewordsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
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Condensed Chaos provides a practical introduction to Chaos Magic, one of the fastest growing areas of Western Occultism. Through it you can change your circumstances, live according to a developing sense of personal responsibility, effect change around you, and stop living as a helpless cog in some clockwork universe. All acts of personal/collective liberation are magical acts. Magic leads us into exhilaration and ecstasy; into insight and understanding; into changing ourselves and the world in which we participate. Through magic we may come to explore the possibilities of freedom.

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