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The Secret of the Caves (1929)

by Franklin W. Dixon

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Series: The Hardy Boys (7)

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1,826109,538 (3.42)2
As Frank and Joe investigate the mysterious disappearance of a college professor, they stumble upon a baffling secret in a complex network of caves.

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I absolutely loved Nancy Drew growing up. This was a series I latched on to for dear life and never let go. So after my obsession with Nancy Drew started to dwindle (mostly because I had read all the ones I could get my hands on), I moved on to The Hardy Boys because that was the natural next step, duh. Love the Hardy Boys (though they weren't quite as amazing and Nancy Drew and her friends). ( )
  justagirlwithabook | Aug 1, 2018 |
Another enjoyable adventure with the eternal high school summer livers, the Hardy Boys. This one sprawled out more than normal. There is the normal un-believe-ability of the fearlessness of this dynamic duo and their friends. ( I'd never send my friends to try to get jobs in a restaurant with sketchy foreigners thought to be up to no good....but they all think it is a great idea!) The cars of these guys get put through the wringer this time too, not to mention the boathouse. But at the risk of being a spoiler, the entire Bayport area is safer because of the Hardy Boys! Many more to go, and i can't wait! ( )
  jeffome | Oct 11, 2017 |
The hardy boys are on their next case: The Secret of the Caves. They found out that in Honey Comb Caves There has been shouting in the caves, but for the Hardy boys, nothing gets in their way... ( )
  adamjohn | Nov 8, 2010 |
The Hardys begin helping their father on two mysteries simultaneously, the first relating to sabotage at a new radar station near Bayport, the second, the mystery of a teacher who has disappeared from nearby Kenworthy College. Before long the trail has lead to Rockaway and the mysterious events at Honeycomb Caves where the brothers join their friends Chet Morton and Biff Hooper on a camping trip. And it's there that things really start to heat up.
Once again, the Hardys' unchallenged status as a pair of danger magnets gets them and their close friends into trouble. Car crashes, booby-traps, the boys are even tied to the train tracks at one point. This is another dose of full-on action and it's great fun. It never strays too far from the standard formula so it's not exactly a stand-out volume in the series but that's okay because the formula works and it's well-applied and the whole thing is well written. ( )
3 vote NormAhl | Jul 13, 2008 |
Triggered by the disappearance of a brilliant young professor, this mystery takes the Hardy boys first to Kenworthy College, where they find a puzzling message on an examination paper. But then their pal Chet Morton, with his new metal; detector, and buddy Biff Hooper, turn up a clue that sends the young detectives on an exciting search in another direction—to the Honeycomb Cave, on the seacoast. A hot-tempered hermit who considers the caves his private domain complicates this seacoast mystery and challenges every sleuthing skill Frank and Joe possess.
The case that their famous detective father is working on suspected sabotage at the new radar station near the Hardy’s home town of Bayport further complicates the mystery, which grows more baffling with every chapter.
After many dangerous encounters, including a nearly disasters patrol on the stormy ocean, Frank and Joe discover a powerful searchlight in one of the craggy caverns along the seacoast. In the brilliant white glare of the searchlight, the startling secret of the caves is dramatically revealed. ( )
1 vote padame | Aug 27, 2007 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Franklin W. Dixonprimary authorall editionscalculated
Rogers, Walter S.Illustratorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
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Well, the stealing of autos in this neighborhood has come to an end, Frank.
"Don't kid me, fellows," Chubby Chet Morton said, moving his metal detector about the Hardys' front lawn." You can find all kinds of things on the beaches with this gadget."
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(Click to show. Warning: May contain spoilers.)
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As Frank and Joe investigate the mysterious disappearance of a college professor, they stumble upon a baffling secret in a complex network of caves.

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