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The Road to Assisi: The Essential Biography of St. Francis (1894)

by Paul Sabatier

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This volume presents a modern edition of Paul Sabatier's classic biography on St. Francis of Assisi. Quotes, comparisons, illustrations, and explanations show the relationship between Sabatier's foundational biography and other great works on Francis, from Dante to G.K. Chesterton. It will serve not only as an informational and engaging introduction to the life of St. Francis, but also as a vehicle for readers to engage personally with Francis, the human being.… (more)

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Given to Matthew Hayes - 05/11/2023
  revbill1961 | May 11, 2023 |
I have read a few biographies on St Francis. Each one sheds some interesting detail that other biographers have missed. He has always interested me. I think it is a must read for anyone interested in his life. ( )
  bibliophile_pgh | Mar 11, 2015 |
Short review of Francis' life and the major events which shaped his quest to live out the Gospel of Jesus of Nazareth. Written by a non-Catholic but with a background in history, Sabatier captures the intent of Francis with a strange slant critiquing the Institutional church. Francis never did this. Useful as a Protestant perspective on Francis as a reformer, which is accurate. The Introduction states that this work placed on the Roman Index of forbidden books which Catholics could not read openly. Glossary, Sources, Recommended Reading. Summaries of Major Characters, B/W illustrations, Index.
  sacredheart25 | Aug 29, 2010 |
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This volume presents a modern edition of Paul Sabatier's classic biography on St. Francis of Assisi. Quotes, comparisons, illustrations, and explanations show the relationship between Sabatier's foundational biography and other great works on Francis, from Dante to G.K. Chesterton. It will serve not only as an informational and engaging introduction to the life of St. Francis, but also as a vehicle for readers to engage personally with Francis, the human being.

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