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Coyote Waits (1990)

by Tony Hillerman

Series: Leaphorn/Chee (10)

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2,147207,621 (3.86)78
Fiction. Mystery. The car fire didn't kill Navajo Tribal Policeman Delbert Nezâ??a bullet did. And the old man in possession of the murder weapon is a whiskey-soaked shaman named Ashie Pinto. Officer Jim Chee is devastated by the slaying of his good friend Del, and confounded by the prime suspect's refusal to utter a single word of confession or denial. Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn believes there is much more to this outrage than what appears on the surface, as he and Jim Chee set out to unravel a complex weave of greed and death that involves a historical find and a lost fortune. But the hungry and mythical trickster Coyote is waiting, as always, in the shadows to add a strange and deadly new twi… (more)
  1. 20
    The Shaman Laughs by James D. Doss (ckNikka)
    ckNikka: Always great place based story telling - good fun reading

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Joe Leaphorn/Jim Chee Mysteries, Book 10
  MontanaMick | Jun 30, 2024 |
Very good Chee/Leaphorn mystery about the murder of a Navajo policeman and a connection to finding Butch Cassidy's grave or body. Read this just before watching same story on PBS Mystery
  derailer | Jan 25, 2024 |
Landscape and realism great as usual, realism of the law enforcement officers ( )
  buffalogr | Sep 10, 2023 |
Idly rummaging through some used books on the salvaged table at the village recycling station, the cover of this book caught my eye. Seeing it was one of Tony Hillerman's books, I began thumbing through it and recognized the book as one of the Joe Leaphorn / Jim Chee Navajo Tribal Police series I'd read (likely in the 1990s).

Academics, murderous villainy, rattlesnakes, skinwalkers, and even Butch Cassidy all mix in the twists of this tale. Coyote is a trickster in much of Native American myth, and Coyote's imposed fate plays a guiding role in the solution of this plot's puzzle. 'Gently impressive mystery fiction' is the best phrase I've come across to describe Tony Hillerman's writing.

I've found Tony Hillerman's books an enjoyable pastime over the years, and having spent a little time in the Four Corners region could easily visualize the settings. ( )
  LGCullens | Jun 1, 2021 |
Landscape and realism great as usual, but killing off Delbert Nez felt awkward,
as did the oddly paced Vietnamese sequences, making the mystery tough to follow. ( )
  m.belljackson | Jan 17, 2021 |
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For my great friend and brother-in-law, Charles Unzner, and
For our world-class next-door neighbors - Jim and Mary Reese, and Gene and Geraldine Bustamante
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Officer Jim Chee was thinking that either his right front tire was a little low or there was something wrong with the shock on that side.
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Fiction. Mystery. The car fire didn't kill Navajo Tribal Policeman Delbert Nezâ??a bullet did. And the old man in possession of the murder weapon is a whiskey-soaked shaman named Ashie Pinto. Officer Jim Chee is devastated by the slaying of his good friend Del, and confounded by the prime suspect's refusal to utter a single word of confession or denial. Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn believes there is much more to this outrage than what appears on the surface, as he and Jim Chee set out to unravel a complex weave of greed and death that involves a historical find and a lost fortune. But the hungry and mythical trickster Coyote is waiting, as always, in the shadows to add a strange and deadly new twi

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Another early entry in the Leaphorn & Chee series as the two separately investigate the murder of a Navajo policeman and how -- of if -- it's connected to Navajo creation stories.
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