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The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant (1994)

by Stephen Donaldson

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516448,364 (3.96)6
The magnificent saga of Thomas Covenant continues in Stephen Donaldson's highly acclaimed second epic fantasy trilogy - now available for the first time in one volume.Includes three books: I The Wounded Land; II The One Tree and III Whitle Gold Wielder.

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Showing 4 of 4
less powerful than the first but sequels are too much... ( )
  Gerardlionel | Apr 2, 2016 |
Sure these novels are depressing but so is Leprosy and thus we are taken into the doom and gloom of a world fallen apart and left to rot. Is there hope? Is life really worth living anymore...should the world just 'give up'. Its a fine line (across the wrist) that shows in the end that novels like these 'are' worth living for.
I think the Thomas Covenant 'story' will always stand like a dark and brooding 2nd to Tolkien's (LOTR) 1st. Tolkien's story is stuck on the Throne in the Castle of Fantasy while Donaldson's story is out there 'roaming the land' (of Fantasy) like a outcast, unclean and somehow far more reaching in its search for...
Morrissey : "You shut your mouth. How can you say - I go about things the wrong way. I am human and I need to be loved... just like everybody else does." ( )
  Jasignature | Nov 12, 2009 |
Much the same as the first chronicles, incredibly gloomy and despairing novel, loosely based on the Tolkien template. Yes, a fairly riveting read. But how depressing... ( )
  adb42 | May 27, 2008 |
Harder work reading this than the first chronicles - but ulimately well worth the effort. ( )
  symcbean | Aug 1, 2007 |
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The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant is Stephen Donaldson's second trilogy, originally published as three separate titles: The Wounded Land, The One Tree, and White Gold Wielder. There are distinct LT works for each of these titles individually; please do not combine individual titles with this LT work for the three-volume trilogy. Thank you.
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The magnificent saga of Thomas Covenant continues in Stephen Donaldson's highly acclaimed second epic fantasy trilogy - now available for the first time in one volume.Includes three books: I The Wounded Land; II The One Tree and III Whitle Gold Wielder.

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