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Couture Sewing Techniques

by Claire B. Shaeffer

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563543,667 (4.35)1
"The world of haute couture is a place where only a privileged few can ever hope to reside, right? Wrong. Fashion historian Claire B. Shaeffer opened the door to this exclusive realm in her authoritative guide to the techniques that define couture sewing. And now, the industry bible, Couture Sewing Techniques, has been revised and updated throughout -- with new photos and a chapter on specialty fabrics. No one can unravel couture garment construction the way Schaeffer can, from the art of hand sewing to mastering edge finishes, from classic closures to shaping a garment for a perfect fit. Readers learn all the basics -- and more importantly: how to apply the techniques -- on skirts and sleeves, pockets and jackets, evening gowns, and more. Gorgeous photos, clear illustrations, and concise language combine to make this the most complete couture-sewing course available"--Provided by publisher. "Best-selling couture sewing reference that presents in clear photos and illustrations and concise prose the basics and applications of couture sewing, as well as its cultural importance"--Provided by publisher.… (more)

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Showing 5 of 5
Another one I should buy for all these tailoring projects I have in my head. ( )
  beautifulshell | Aug 27, 2020 |
Part of my permanent collection, used a reference and located in the craft room.
  sunfi | Nov 12, 2008 |
Informative- you learn a lot, and even if some things may be too time-consuming, it can kickstart new ideas, and make you try a different tecnique from what you usually do. ( )
  isiswardrobe | Mar 17, 2006 |
Lots of information and fabulous techniques...if you have the time. ( )
  ithilwyn | Dec 19, 2005 |
Where's my thimble? ( )
  picardyrose | Jul 12, 2011 |
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"The world of haute couture is a place where only a privileged few can ever hope to reside, right? Wrong. Fashion historian Claire B. Shaeffer opened the door to this exclusive realm in her authoritative guide to the techniques that define couture sewing. And now, the industry bible, Couture Sewing Techniques, has been revised and updated throughout -- with new photos and a chapter on specialty fabrics. No one can unravel couture garment construction the way Schaeffer can, from the art of hand sewing to mastering edge finishes, from classic closures to shaping a garment for a perfect fit. Readers learn all the basics -- and more importantly: how to apply the techniques -- on skirts and sleeves, pockets and jackets, evening gowns, and more. Gorgeous photos, clear illustrations, and concise language combine to make this the most complete couture-sewing course available"--Provided by publisher. "Best-selling couture sewing reference that presents in clear photos and illustrations and concise prose the basics and applications of couture sewing, as well as its cultural importance"--Provided by publisher.

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