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The Bachelor

by Carly Phillips

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Series: The Chandler Brothers (1)

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642837,193 (3.45)3
Fiction. Literature. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

From the New York Times bestselling author of the Billionaire Bad Boys series, the first book in her laugh-out-loud romance series about three brothers finding love.

Foreign correspondent Roman Chandler has always prized his freedom above all else. Now losing a coin toss has sealed this youngest brother's fate. Finding someone to escort down the aisle is the easy part-every wannabe bride in sleepy Yorkshire Falls is itching to get hitched to this gorgeous, globe-trotting Chandler man. But Roman still lusts after the woman who got away. Stunning heartbreaker Charlotte Bronson has come home to put down roots and get her lingerie business off the ground. She wants a man that won't go chasing off to the far corners of the earth for a breaking news story. He wants her to say "I do."

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A dying mother insists her three "most eligible" bachelor sons get married and give her grandchildren.
  BLTSbraille | Sep 4, 2021 |
An enjoyable, vibrant read
4 stars

I’m a big fan of Carly Phillips but I was a bit late to the party and this is the first time I’ve read any of The Chandler Brothers books. They’ve been updated and modernised for their 20th birthday and now have hot and sexy new covers, too. They still stand alone with this book featuring one couple who get their own HEA.

Charlotte was a likeable character who was equal parts smart and savvy, and cautious and unsure. She was definitely a strong, modern woman who I enjoyed, even when I didn’t agree with some of her decisions/actions.

Roman - all three Chandler brothers, really - were the perfect kind of heroes. Masculine, alpha, hot, sexy and aware of exactly how to treat a woman. I 100% believed his dilemma and his quick descent into feelings with Charlotte.

The chemistry between our couple was palpable and I loved their interactions. The push and pull was frustratingly excellent and I really enjoyed and rooted for them as a pair.

The difference between this and many other Carly Phillips novels I’ve read of late is that this one covers more than just our main couple. We also get a little bit of Raina Chandler - Roman’s mum - and her own feelings and blossoming romance. As well as Annie and Russell - Charlotte’s parents. It was nice to see and hear a different perspective but I was definitely most interested in Roman and Charlotte.

I guess my main reason for giving the book 4 stars rather than 5 was probably down to the excellent writing! I really *believed* Roman was a wanderer at heart and I’m never really happy when a couple being together means some sort of compromise. That’s more than fine in real life but I want fantasy! I was happy in the end - especially since we get an epilogue - yay! - but I was too scared for too long that perhaps things couldn’t work out. But it’s Carly Phillips so of course we get a happy happily ever after.

I didn’t read this book back in the day, so I can’t speak to whether there a lot of differences between this modernised version and the original. But I can say that the story felt very contemporary - not a fax machine, pager or cassette tape in sight!

I’m looking forward to the rest of the revamped Chandler Brothers Books - The Playboy and The Heartbreaker. And strangely, I’m also considering crocheting myself some sexy lingerie! 4 stars for this one and an enjoyable, vibrant and absorbing read. ( )
  joreadsromance | Feb 16, 2021 |
Very cute and amusing. Roman is a good man, as are his brothers. I'm loving seeing their mother give them a run for their bachelorhood. ( )
  bookjunkie57 | Jul 9, 2014 |
ok ( )
  Mamajeanne | Aug 23, 2013 |
Enjoyable story with the mother of 3 eligible bachelors plotting to get them happily married. Book 1 of 3 in the series. ( )
  JanRex | Jan 26, 2011 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Carly Phillipsprimary authorall editionscalculated
Debritto, Abeltraductorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Diago, Mercètraductorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Dufris, WilliamNarratorsecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
Jeran, DoloresÜbersetzersecondary authorsome editionsconfirmed
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To Mom and Dad for making me believe
I could do anything.

To Phil, who loves and supports me
through everything.

And to Jackie and Jen who make it
all worthwhile.
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You're fit, Mrs. Chandler.
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Fiction. Literature. Romance. Humor (Fiction.) HTML:

From the New York Times bestselling author of the Billionaire Bad Boys series, the first book in her laugh-out-loud romance series about three brothers finding love.

Foreign correspondent Roman Chandler has always prized his freedom above all else. Now losing a coin toss has sealed this youngest brother's fate. Finding someone to escort down the aisle is the easy part-every wannabe bride in sleepy Yorkshire Falls is itching to get hitched to this gorgeous, globe-trotting Chandler man. But Roman still lusts after the woman who got away. Stunning heartbreaker Charlotte Bronson has come home to put down roots and get her lingerie business off the ground. She wants a man that won't go chasing off to the far corners of the earth for a breaking news story. He wants her to say "I do."


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Book description
Will this bad boy make it to the altar? It takes a very special woman to catch a Chandler man... Meet the Chandlers - a trio of sexy brothers and the most eligible men in town...until their mother falls ill. As her three sons gather at her side, she makes two desperate demands: "Get married! Give me grandchildren!"

Foreign correspondent Roman Chandler has always prized his freedom above all else. Now losing a coin toss has sealed this youngest brother's fate. Finding someone to escort down the aisle is the easy part - every wannabe bride in sleepy Yorkshire Falls is itching to get hitched to this gorgeous, globe-trotting Chandler man. But Roman still lusts after the woman who got away.

Stunning heartbreaker Charlotte Bronson has come home to put down roots and get her erotic lingerie business off the ground. She wants a man who won't go chasing off to the far corners of the earth for a breaking news story. He wants her to say "I do". Will-she or won't-she? Can the love of the right woman transform a go-it-alone guy into a stick-around-forever kind of man?
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3 48
3.5 4
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