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In a Dark, Dark Room and Other Scary Stories (1984)

by Alvin Schwartz

Other authors: Dirk Zimmer (Illustrator)

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1,5831311,558 (4.05)11
Seven scary stories to tell at night in front of a fire or in the dark, based on traditional stories and folktales from various countries.

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I listened to this on audiobook, and the narrator was lovely. Revisiting children's books as an adult for nostalgia, in particular various books Alvin Schwartz wrote. -This- book made me fall in love with horror as a child. -This- book has the wonderful story "Jenny's Ribbon," that I was so enchanted by and remain so. It's a marvelous retelling of Washington Irving's "The Adventure of the German Student" only--I treasure this one, but I liked the original a lot when I heard it as an adult. "Jenny's Ribbon" will likely always have a sense of fearful wonder for me. If I were introducing people to the story, for adults and children alike I would pick "Jenny's Ribbon" first and -then- say "It's a retelling of Washington Irving's story." I could go into experiences around this story I've had as a kid and teenager, but that would make me seem outrageously creepy, so I will not. They are positive and I hope I will always treasure them. I hope others will treasure the stories I did. ( )
  iszevthere | May 28, 2024 |
I missed reading this book when I was younger. It was published in 1984, and by then I was a young teen, and not interested in I Can Read books. I saw a clip on TikTok about this collection of stories recently and had to check it out. If only it had come out a few years earlier. My creepy little soul would have loved it.

I checked out the original 1984 edition from the library, though there is also an updated edition with new artwork. My favorite stories are: “The Teeth” (mainly for the creepy artwork); “The Green Ribbon” (ominous and scary); and “The Night It Rained” (sad, unsettling, spooky). “The Pirate” was pretty good too. The other three stories were fine, but could have used a little something more. All of them had great pictures. ( )
  bookofsecrets | Jan 10, 2024 |
Creak... Crash... BOO! Shivering skeletons, ghostly pirates, chattering corpses, and haunted graveyards... all to chill your bones! Share these seven spine-tingling stories in a dark, dark room.
  BLTSbraille | Sep 2, 2021 |
That story about Jenny's green ribbon still haunts me ( )
  Faith_Murri | Dec 9, 2019 |
Loved this! Good for reluctant readers as this is a compilation of short horror stories but not too scary! ( )
  YukiNatsuo | Oct 27, 2019 |
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Author nameRoleType of authorWork?Status
Alvin Schwartzprimary authorall editionscalculated
Zimmer, DirkIllustratorsecondary authorall editionsconfirmed

Belongs to Publisher Series

I Can Read! (Level 2)
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To Calliope -A.S.
To Esther -V.R.
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Most of us like scary stories because we like feeling scared.
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(Click to show. Warning: May contain spoilers.)
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Wikipedia in English (1)

Seven scary stories to tell at night in front of a fire or in the dark, based on traditional stories and folktales from various countries.

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