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Mark Goldblatt (1) (1957–)

Author of Twerp

For other authors named Mark Goldblatt, see the disambiguation page.

9 Works 360 Members 34 Reviews


Works by Mark Goldblatt


Common Knowledge

Legal name
Goldblatt, Mark Meyer
Queens College, City University of New York (BA, English)
City University of New York (PhD)
book reviewer
Andy Ross Agency
Short biography
[excerpted from Wikipedia]
Mark Meyer Goldblatt is an American journalist, novelist, theologian and educator. Goldblatt is perhaps best known as a political commentator. Since 1989, Goldblatt has taught at Fashion Institute of Technology.



BooksInMirror | 28 other reviews | Feb 19, 2024 |
Twerp fits in somewhere between [b:Maniac Magee|139463|Maniac Magee|Jerry Spinelli|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1172109471s/139463.jpg|3264295] and [b:Okay For Now|9165406|Okay for Now|Gary D. Schmidt|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1327889281s/9165406.jpg|14044509]. Like Jeffrey Magee, Julian's a neighborhood legend for his ability to run. Like Doug Swieteck, Julian tells his story in a way that let's you see through his tough guy act right into his heart of hearts.

Julian Twerski lives in Queens, New York in the year 1969. He's a sixth grader with a close group of friends in a tight-knit neighborhood. The story is told through a series of journal entries that Julian has to write because he got in trouble. What did he do to get in trouble? The reader doesn't really get to find out until the end.

Through Julian's writing you get to know him in a way that makes him seem real enough to touch, even though he's a fictional kid on the other side of the country in a completely different era. He writes about different episodes in his life, from meeting a new kid who may be faster than him, to asking a girl out, to getting in a major fight with his best friend. In different hands this book might feel plotless, but author Mark Goldblatt keeps readers turning the pages, eager to find out what happens to Julian--and especially to discover how he got in trouble in the first place.

Twerp is definitely a strong Newbery contender in terms of style, theme, and character development. This is a book you could give to almost any tween to shine a light on the unique challenges of being stuck right in the heart of adolescence.

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LibrarianDest | 28 other reviews | Jan 3, 2024 |
With a touch of paranormal humor, this book dives into several tough, family issues while packing wit and tons of heart.

David's mom left, leaving him and his dad alone. He can deal with it, although he's not thrilled, but his dad is another story. When David notices a strange man walking down his street, he's not sure the guy exists or if he's a hallucination, especially when the man hovers outside of his window one night. Convinced he's going crazy, (because who wouldn't?) David does his best to deal with his dad's worsening situation, his bad grades, his friendships, and his first girlfriend. It's all quite a bit to take in, but the strange man...or ghost he's beginning to believe...seems to offer him the best advice. Until he doesn't and reveals something David never wanted to know.

This read starts right in with the action as David sees Winston, the strange man, and that, a few times. The beginning has a rapid-fire atmosphere as David's first interactions with Winston are delivered in very short scenes, one right after the other. There are just enough thoughts and comments from David to get a feel for his personality...right along with the weirdness the entire situation involves. Only then, does the author seep into David's life and the various issues he's up against. It's a wonderful way to ease the reader into the tough themes and sympathize with David.

While this is sold for middle graders, I'm nudging my recommendation up a little bit toward the upper middle grade and lower young adult audiences. The writing and wit is better suited for the older age group and, I'm afraid, will be lost on younger readers. Plus, some of the issues might be a bit much for younger readers (alcoholism, death, breaking up with first girl/boyfriends, and more).

There is tons of heart in this read, and it mixes smoothly with the paranormal aspect and humor...not a silly humor but weaves more around clever wording and thought. There is so much to smirk, smile, and nod at. While there are moments where the reader spends time in David's head, this is very well-balanced with the quick rows of dialogue—I say 'rows' because it rattles along, one person after the other without even a breath in between. It wasn't quite my thing but does come across with intended potency. There's definitely not much room for boredom, while it gives food for thought and rakes at the heartstrings in the most meaningful ways. I received a DRC through BooksForward and found this to pack a wonderful balance of humor and heart.
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tdrecker | May 3, 2023 |
"Julian Twerski isn't a bully. He's just made a big mistake. So when he returns to school after a weeklong suspension, his English teacher offers him a deal: if he keeps a journal and writes about the incident that got him and his friends suspended, he can get out of writing a report on Shakespeare. Julian jumps at the chance."

Julian "Twerp" Twerski is a 6th grader in the late 60s who has been assigned to keep a journal by his English teacher when he gets back from a week's suspension following an "incident." He finds out that writing about his experiences and thoughts helps him navigate this dreaded preteen year. I thought it was a very powerful thing to have learned, both for him and for those of us reading it.

Mark Goldblatt is a very thoughtful writer, which makes this an easy book to read and to get invested in. It really did bring back how difficult it is to be 12 years old, no matter the decade. I loved the format of a journal for this story as well.

I can definitely recommend this book for middle grade readers, and give it 5/5 stars.

I received a copy of this book free of charge in exchange for my honest opinion.
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jwitt33 | 28 other reviews | Apr 14, 2022 |


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