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Jun 3, 2008
About My Library
Consists mainly of canon and childhood favorites. The complete Animorphs series is in there somewhere for sentimentality's sake but remains un-cataloged. The British have long claimed dominance over the whole collection, though there's a smattering of Russian, Irish, and French. I will only approach American literature by recommendation or assigned reading.

L.M. Montgomery will forever hold a soft spot in my heart for her Emily series, the second book having been read so much in the 8th grade that it fell to pieces. I also enjoy Gothic and Sensational lit as my version of "guilty pleasure" reading. The Brontes aside, it's just far too hard for me to take anything in either genre seriously. This doesn't diminish my love for Wilkie Collins one iota.
About Me
Cynical, sarcastic redhead. Insomniac. Avowed book snob. Tea addict. Epileptic. Intrigued by shiny, sharp objects and all things flammable.
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