
Real Name
Reuben Yolen
About My Library
"My national resources consist of two joints of marijuana millions of genitals an unpublishable private literature that jetplanes 1400 miles an hour and twentyfive-thousand mental institutions."

("America" by Allen Ginsberg, 1956)
About Me
Hello, fellow bibliophiles!

I'm a student at the Jewish Theological Seminary, a "dead" languages enthusiast, and a weekend bird-watcher. My taste in books is all over the place, but a few patterns have emerged over time: South American, Russian, and Irish literature; world history, especially the Middle Ages and the Renaissance; epic poems of bygone civilizations (for example, Beowulf and the Epic of Gilgamesh); Hebrew poetry (in particular, the Jewish poets of Spain); and a handful of Science-Fiction and Fantasy authors who are near and dear to me.

I'm here on LibraryThing in the hopes of connecting with like-minded people. I just purged my teenage book collection, from when "No" was not an acceptable answer to the possibility of acquiring a new book. Now is the perfect time for me to make an account of what's left.
Seattle, WA
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