Book Events for ColumbusLee

Events within the books in ColumbusLee's library

Summary: 349 Events.

13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

14th century

16th century



1788-89 US presidential election

1792 US presidential election

1796 presidential election

17th century

1800 US presidential election

1893 Chicago World's Fair

18th century

19th century

1st century

1st century BCE

5th century BCE

9-11 Memorial Service

Academy Awards

Afghan Civil War

Afghan Wars

African-American Civil Rights Movement

Alabama claims

American Civil War

American Declaration of Independence

American Revolution

The Anarchy

Anglo Saxon period


Arab Revolt

Armistice Day

Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

Assassination of James A. Garfield

Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Assassination of Julius Caesar

Assassination of Malcolm X

Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Assassination of Russian imperial family

Atlantic Conference

Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Attack on Pearl Harbor

The attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II

Attempted takeover of the Erie Railroad

Austro-Turkish War

Bataan Death March

Battle for Henderson Field

Battle of Actium

Battle of Agincourt

Battle of Alesia

Battle of Alexandria

Battle of Antietam

Battle of Borodino

Battle of Bosworth Field

Battle of Britain

Battle of Bunker Hill

Battle of Cape Gloucester

Battle of Caporetto

Battle of Champion's Hill

Battle of Chancellorsville

Battle of Chattanooga

Battle of Chickamauga

Battle of Chippenham

Battle of Chosin Reservoir

Battle of Corinth, Mississippi

Battle of Cynwit

Battle of Dara

Battle of Ethandun

Battle of Franklin

Battle of Fredericksburg

Battle of Gergovia

Battle of Gettysburg

Battle of Hogwarts

Battle of Inchon

Battle of Iwo Jima

Battle of Leyte Gulf

Battle of Long Island

Battle of Lookout Mountain

Battle of Milvian Bridge

Battle of Missionary Ridge

Battle of Mont Cenis

Battle of Nashville

Battle of New Orleans

Battle of Peleliu

Battle of Princeton

Battle of Rivoli

Battle of Shiloh

Battle of Smolensk

Battle of the Arar

Battle of the Atlantic

Battle of the Bulge

Battle of the Department of Mysteries

Battle of the Nile

Battle of the Pyramids

Battle of the Somme

Battle of the Wilderness

Battle of Thermopylae

Battle of Trenton

Battle of Waterloo

Battle of York

Battle of Yorktown

Battle of Zama

Beat Generation

The Big Burn

Black Death

Black Friday

Bretton Woods Conference

British Raj

Broad Street Cholera Outbreak

Building of the Brooklyn Bridge

Building of the Panama Canal

Building the First Transcontinental Railroad

Burr-Hamilton Duel

Byzantine Empire

Caesar's invasions of Britain

California Gold Rush

Carolinas Campaign

Casablanca Conference

Centennial Exhibition of 1876

Chicago World's Fair

Chinese Civil War


Christmas Day

Cold War

Compromise of 1790

Constitutional Convention

Continental Congress

Convention of Versailles

Council of Chalcedon

Council of Nicaea

Creek War


The Cutting of the Elm at Gisors


D-Day, Normandy, France 1944

Dalai Lama goes into exile [1959]

Death of Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Declaration of Independence approved

Dedication of Brennan, Pennsylvania

Destruction of the Naj Hammandi Scrolls

Disaster: Dam Break

Disaster: Flood

Disaster: Volcano Eruption

Discovery of the Naj Hammandi Scrolls

Dreyfus Affair

Dust Bowl

Dust Bowl Era

East End Cholera Outbreak


Election of 1800

Emancipation Proclamation

English Civil War

Erie War

Evacuation of Boston

Execution of William Kemmler

Federalist Era

First Parition of Poland


The founding and operation of the Society of the Inner Light

French and Indian War

French capture of the bridge in Clausen

French Revolution

French Revolutionary Wars

Gallic Wars

Genesis creation narrative

George Washington's Farewell Address

George Washington's Presidency

Gettysburg Address

Gettysburg Campaign

global warming

Golden Age of Comic Books

Great Depression

The Great Exhibition

Great Recession

The Great Revelation

Great Roman Civil War

The Great Stink

Greco-Persian Wars

Greek War of Independence

Guadalcanal Campaign

Guadalcanal Campaign 1942-43

Gulf 1


Hamilton–Reynolds affair

Hartford circus fire

Hellenistic Period

Highjacking of a top secret shipment of Euros

Hitler appointed Chancellor of Germany


Hundred Years' War

Hurricane Katrina

Hurricane Rita

Inaguration of Abraham Lincoln

Invention of chronometer

Iran-Contra Affair

Italian Renaissance

Jacksonian Era

Jazz Age

John Adams Presidency

John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry

Johnstown Flood

Joining The Golden Dawn

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Kefauver Senate Hearings

Kidnapping of President Brennan

the killing of Danny Hansford

King Philip's War

Klondike Gold Rush

Korean War

Kościuszko Uprising

Krakatoa Eruption

Lend Lease

Lewis and Clark Expedition

Liberation of the Philippines

Lincoln's First Inaugural Address

Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address

Lincoln-Douglas Debates

Little Ice Age

Long March

Los Angeles Times Bombing

Manhattan Project

Manifesto of Silence

Mardi Gras

Marshall Plan

McCarthy Era

Mexican-American War

Middle Ages

Missouri Compromise

Mongol Empire

Monster of Florence Serial Killings

Moscow Plague Riot

Napoleonic Wars

Native American contact with Europeans

New Guinea Campaign

Night of the Long Knives

Nineteen Year Winter

Nuisances Removal and Contagious Diseases Prevention Act

Nuremberg War Crimes Trials

Olympic Games

Operation Cyclone

Operation Enduring Freedom

Operation Husky

Operation Market Garden

Operation Mincemeat

Operation Overlord

Operation Torch

Panic of 1792

Panic of 1837

Panic of 1873

Panic of 1893

Papal Election

Peninsula Campaign