Book Events for glwebb

Events within the books in glwebb's library

Summary: 627 Events.

The 144,000 with the Lamb


16th century

17th century

1893 Chicago World's Fair

1948 Arab-Israel War

1948 Palestinian Exodus


1953 British Expedition to Mount Everest.




1996 Everest Disaster

1996 Mount Everest Disaster

1998 Assassination of PLO commando leader Abu Jihad

19th century

20 July plot

9/11 Attacks

9/11 Terrorist Attacks, Twin Towers and Pentagon

Abraham justified by faith

Abu Ghraib Prison scandal

Act of Union

Afghan Siege of the Sherpur Cantonment

Afghan Wars

African-American Civil Rights Movement

Age of Sail

Alien Invasion

Allied Invasion of Sicily

Amboina Massacre

American Civil War

American Revolution

Ananias and Sapphira

The angels with the seven last plagues

Anglo Saxon period

Antarctic expedition of James Clark Ross

Anti Mafia Maxi Trial

The anti-Christ revealed

Anti-Rent War

Apollo 1 fire

Apollo 10

Apollo 11

Apollo 11 Moon Landing

Apollo 12

Apollo 13

Apollo 14

Apollo 15

Apollo 16

Apollo 17

Apollo 7

Apollo 8

Apollo 9

Apollo program

Ark of the Covenant


The army from the Euphrates

Arthurian England


Assassination of Antonio Cánovas del Castillo

Assassination of Empress Elisabeth of Austria

Assassination of Folke Bernadotte

Assassination of Georgy Sudeykin

Assassination of Gerald Bull

Assassination of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich of Russia

Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Assassination of King Umberto I

Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Assassination of Nikolai Mezentsov

Assassination of Nikolay Seliverstov

Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy

Assassination of Sadi Carnot

Assassination of Tsar Alexander II

Assassination of Vyacheslav von Plehve

Assassination of William McKinley

Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Attack on Pearl Harbor

Attempted assassination of Golda Meir

Attempted assassination of Henry Clay Frick

Attempted assassination of John Paul II

The attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II

Attica Prison Riot

An axhead floats

Bacon's Rebellion

Baku Commune

Balaam’s Donkey


Baptism of Jesus of Nazareth

The barren fig tree

Battle of Artemisium

Battle of Baku

Battle of Cynwit

Battle of Dushak

Battle of Five Armies

Battle of Gandamak

Battle of Geok Tepe

Battle of Ghazni

Battle of Hastings

Battle of Hoth

Battle of Hue

Battle of Jericho

Battle of Kaakhka

Battle of Kandahar

Battle of Lincoln

Battle of Maiwand

Battle of Marston Moor

Battle of Midway

Battle of Mogadishu

Battle of Mycale

Battle of Plataea

Battle of Salamis

Battle of Sarikamish

Battle of Stalingrad

Battle of the Atlantic

Battle of the Bulge

Battle of the Hornburg

Battle of Thermopylae

Battle of Waterloo

Battle of York

Bay of Pigs Invasion

The beast from the Earth

The beast from the sea

Beheading of John the Baptist

Beirut barracks bombing

Belgian Antarctic Expedition

Berlin Crisis of 1961

Big Bang

Birth of Jesus

Birth of Jesus foretold

Birth of John the Baptist

Birth of John the Baptist promised

Birth of Moses

Black Death

Black September attack during the Munich Olympics

The Blitz

Bloody Sunday

Bombing of Dresden

Bombing of Libya

British Conquest of Sindh

British National Antarctic Expedition

British Raj

Bronze Snake

Bulgarian 9 June 1923 coup d'etat

Butlerian Jihad

California Gold Rush

Capture of Adolf Eichmann

Carol Leaves Alan

The catch of 153 fish

Centrocaspian Dictatorship

Chernobyl Disaster

Chernobyl Disaster, Ukraine, USSR

Chicago World's Fair

Chilean Coup

Chitral Expedition

Christ and Antichrist

Christ and Satan

Christ rebukes Pharisees and Scribes


Christ’s sacrifice once for all

The Church’s final victory

The Church’s victory

Civil war in Afghanistan

Classical Antiquity

Clean Hands Investigation

Clutter family murder


Cold War

The Cold War

Cold War arms race

Columbine School Shootings

Constitutional Convention

Construction of the Trans-Aral Railway

Construction of the Trans-Caspian railway

Coronation of Aragorn

The Council of Elrond

COVID-19 pandemic


Crimean War

Crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth

Cuban Missile Crisis

Cultural Revolution

The cursing of the fig tree


Daniel in the lions den

David and Bathsheba

David and Goliath

David anointed King of Judah

David King of Israel

Day of Atonement

The day of the Lord

The Death

Death of Christopher McCandless

Death of Moses

Death of Pete Gabitas

Declaration of Independence

The defeat of Babylon

The defeat of Satan

Democratic National Convention

Destruction of Isengard

Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah

Destruction of the One Ring

The Disappearance of the Dolphins

Disaster: Hurricane

Disaster: Storm at Sea

Domesday Book

Dorr Rebellion

Doubting Thomas

The dragon and the child

The dragon persecutes the woman


Ebola Reston discovery

El Mozote Massacre

Elijah taken to Heaven in a chariot of fire

Elite Conscription Act

End of the Third Age

End of the Universe

End of the World

End of Time

English Civil War

Establishment of Israel

Execution of the 26 Baku Commissars


Falklands War

Fall of Communism

Fall of Jerusalem

Fall of Man

False teachers and their destruction


Feast of Tabernacles

Feminist Movement

First Anglo-Afghan War

First Anglo-Sikh War

First Ascent of Mount Everest

First Ascent of the North Face of the Eiger

First cattle drive from Texas to Montana

First contact with extraterrestrial lifeforms

The first five bowls

First Palestinian Intifada

The Flood

Flour Riot of 1837


Franco-Prussian War

Gallipoli Campaign

Galveston Hurricane of 1900

Garden of Gethsemane

Ghadar Mutiny

Glorious Revolution

Godlessness in the Last Days

Gold Rush

Golden Calf

Gorbachev/ Reagan meeting

Grand Ole Opry