SF - Female Protag, foot race, physical enhancements, Atalanta???

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SF - Female Protag, foot race, physical enhancements, Atalanta???

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Nov 18, 2015, 8:12 pm


This is a sci-fi book about a woman who is entered in this race. It's her last chance, if she loses I think she dies. Not sure if the prize is like citizenship in this world or what. It is like their olympics. She is considered old for the race. She gets a physical enhancement to help her win or it could completely burn her out. I don't know if her name was Atalanta or it was in the title or it was not connected at all. I read it about 20 - 25 years ago.

That's all I got.

Thanks in advance.

Edited: Nov 18, 2015, 11:34 pm

could it be Achilles Choice by Larry Niven and Steve Barnes?

I haven't read it in a bazillion years, but it has a future Olympic runner heroine who has to decide whether she takes a risky enhancement in order to win.

Nov 19, 2015, 12:58 pm

Thanks Beesocks!!!!! I guess I got my greek hero wrong. :-)

Nov 21, 2015, 8:36 am

I haven't read it, but I bet you got the name right; Atalanta is definitely the Greek hero associated with a footrace: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atalanta#Footrace