Hobnob Giveaway: Storyteller

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Hobnob Giveaway: Storyteller

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Edited: Apr 12, 2010, 10:39 am

"Blood and fire, gold and steel and poetry, a river’s voice in the silence of the night, and the shining strings of a harp—all these and more I have known in my time. Steep mountains, dark forests, and the endless song of the rain; music and laughter and feasting in the fire-bright halls of kings; a dusty road, and a fast horse, and a good friend beside me; and the sweet taste of the mead of Dun Eidyn, with its bitter aftermath: a dragon’s hoard of memories I have gathered, bright-colored as a long summer’s day. Now they are all gone, the men and women I knew when I was young, gone like words on the wind, and I am left here in the twilight to tell you their tale. Sit, then, and listen if you will to the words of Gwernin Kyuarwyd, called Storyteller..."

I'm experimenting with a two-part giveaway of Storyteller, the first book in my Storyteller series. Storyteller is historical fiction with supernatural elements, set in 6th century Wales, and suitable for either adult or young adult readers. It follows the adventures of a young storyteller who wants to become a professional bard - an important position in his culture. This is the first book in a trilogy, and the first of a projected longer series. I'm running this giveaway now to generate interest prior to the summer reading season, and I hope to see reviews posted no later than June 1.

So what's "two-part" about it? Just this: I am trying the experiment of giving away one (1) trade paperback copy and ten (10) ebook copies in the same giveaway to qualified people*. To enter, post a message to this thread telling me if you want to be in the drawing for the hard copy, the ebook, or both. In three weeks, on May 2nd, I'll compile two lists and make random selections from each, then post the winners (either here or as profile messages, whichever people prefer). The ebooks will be non-DRM pdf's, sent directly to the email address you specify. The paperback will be mailed the following day by USPS.

*Qualifications to enter: public LT account, at least 25 books cataloged and at least 5 reviews posted on LT. People with book blogs who are interested in reading and reviewing pdf's are invited to jump the queue by leaving me a private profile comment now.

Apr 11, 2010, 4:45 pm

I've been following the posts on the Historical Fiction thread and your books caught my eye. I'd love to receive one to review. Please put me in the draw for the trade copy.

Apr 11, 2010, 4:51 pm

I plan to BUY THIS.

Apr 11, 2010, 5:30 pm

Janny: Thank you for those beautiful words! ;-)

Apr 11, 2010, 6:27 pm

I would love to be in the drawing for the trade paperback. Thanks!

Apr 11, 2010, 8:11 pm

gwernin - how could I resist? It looks scrumptious, and I've always been a sucker for gorgeous prose. You're most welcome, too!

Apr 12, 2010, 6:02 am

Gwernin, I just requested that my local library buy a copy of Storyteller. So I definitely want to read it.

If you could put my name in for the draw for the trade paperback book I would be delighted.

Unfortunately - I've never read an e-book and don't think it fair for my first to be a book for review.

Apr 12, 2010, 7:25 am

I've got too many books to edit at the moment, gwernin, one of my own to get to a publisher, and another to prepare for Italian translation(!) So I'm not bidding, but wanted to write a note of appreciation for starting this giveaway thing in fact instead of mere abstraction--and with some guidelines, no less, to prospective readers that others can use as a template. Sometimes you just have to shut the hell up and do things.

Apr 12, 2010, 10:32 am

7: calm: nice to hear your library may be getting Storyteller!

8: copyedit52: This style of giveaway is something I suggested last year on one of the "why MG doesn't work for authors" threads. I think it will (mostly) eliminate the sort of drive-by request-everything-and-review-nothing gaming that goes on in MG. I tried to be as explicit as possible, and if other authors find it a useful template, all the better!

Congrats on the Italian contract, btw!!!

Apr 12, 2010, 10:45 am

If the focus isn't too historical than I'm interested in a .pdf. I enjoy celtic fantasy, but I'm really not that bothered by which king married which cousin, or the village they lived in. The opening does at least capture my attention.

Apr 12, 2010, 11:39 am

I'd love to be in the drawing for the e-book! I got a Nook recently, so I now get lots of reading done on my commute to work. Your book sounds like something I'd really enjoy.

Apr 12, 2010, 12:44 pm

I would love to enter the drawing for the trade paperback! Thanks!

Apr 12, 2010, 2:29 pm

I would love the chance to read your book in either version ( hard copy or ebook). Please sign me up!

Apr 12, 2010, 2:33 pm

I would definitely love to be in the running for the paperback.Thanks!

Edited: Apr 12, 2010, 5:16 pm

10: reading_fox: I think you'll be safe; there isn't enough historical information available for 6th century Wales to write detailed political history, although I try to be as accurate as possible on physical culture and peoples' attitudes and behavior. I've put up some sample chapters (three from Storyteller and one from the second book in the series, Flight of the Hawk) on one of my blog sites, if you want to take a look.

Apr 13, 2010, 9:21 am

I've read those samples on your blog (and loved them!) But computer-reading doesn't go well for me, so I'd love to be entered in your paperback giveaway.

Apr 13, 2010, 4:46 pm

As a devoted Kindle owner, I'd love to be in the drawing for the e-book, it sounds like it's right up my alley! I'll be checking Amazon if I'm not one of the chosen.

Apr 15, 2010, 10:34 am

17: jillstrone: My books aren't available through Kindle because I didn't like Amazon's licensing terms. The pdf versions, however, are available through lulu.com (see the right sidebar on my author page for links).

Apr 15, 2010, 11:14 am

Kindly enter me in the trade paperbook drawing.

After reading your posts and then about your Gwernin series, those titles are in my wishlist. But it's a long wishlist. It's happenstance like winning books or having a friend pass one along that help me decide which to read next. Definitely I'd write a review here on LT after reading.

I appreciate the opportunity, and look forward to reading your tales of Wales one way or another!

Apr 16, 2010, 3:02 pm

I would love to enter for the hardcopy; you probably remember me from the historical fiction thread. I did read the samples and was interested enough to want to read more, but not quite enough to buy it on its own. You can see my reviews here.

Apr 16, 2010, 9:40 pm

20: you probably remember me from the historical fiction thread

Indeed I do, and from several other discussions over the last couple of years! :-)

Apr 18, 2010, 11:28 am

To further this experiment, I've also started an open giveaway of one (1) ebook copy of Storyteller in Member Giveaways.

Apr 18, 2010, 2:04 pm

I'd be interested in the drawing for the paperback. I saw this in the Member Giveaways but if a paperback would be so much easier for me. :)

Apr 19, 2010, 3:44 pm

An interesting factoid regarding this giveaway vs. the Member Giveaway offering: in a little over a week I've had four requests here for the ten copies of the ebook version of Storyteller. On MG, in a bit over 24 hours, I've had 19 requests for one ebook. I'm not sure what conclusions, if any, to draw from this. Is it just that MG is more visible and people can't be bothered to click on the link to this thread? Or is it due to the restrictions on this giveaway, with the "drive-by requesters" with no books and/or no reviews not applying here? Either way, it will be interesting to see the final numbers. (Yes, I like experiments :)

Apr 19, 2010, 3:59 pm

I would love to be entered in the running for the paperback.

I wish I could go for the eBook but I have trouble reading the computer screen for very long and I do not own a book reader.

I wish you continued success in your writing and thanks for reaching out to us readers...and making sure it is dedicated readers who would receive your book...it is refreshing! (I probably take my reading too seriously and it annoys me when people get free books but don't bother to write a review.)

Apr 19, 2010, 4:26 pm


A little of both, I think; given the numbers I've seen people mention (getting a dozen or more MG books), I think some people request every MG offering. It also has a much larger audience than this group.

(I also suspect some people are hedging their bets, and entering both giveaways!)

Edited: Apr 19, 2010, 4:37 pm

26: I certainly agree that some people (generally the non-reviewers) request everything - I saw a lot of evidence of it last year when I was notifying winners for previous MG offerings!

Hedging of bets seems unlikely, though, since (1) I've had no ebook requests on this thread since the MG offering went live and (2) so far there are less ebook requests on this thread than copies offered. :)

I'm now quite curious to see what the final numbers will be. I suspect it will be yet another example of why MG does not work for author giveaways.

(edited to fix typo)

Apr 19, 2010, 5:47 pm

gwernin: I am not sure if it is a bad thing that more people are wanting the paperback. I really wish I could read the computer better and get on the eBook list because I would like to read your book. I am new to LT so I am learning my way around but I am very interesting in reading new books and being introduced to new authors/books. I cannot always afford to purchase books so this gives me a chance to enjoy more books. :)

Apr 19, 2010, 6:02 pm

I definitely think people request MG books pretty indiscriminately.

Apr 19, 2010, 9:54 pm

And with no repercussions from not keeping up their end of the bargain, they encouraged to keep at it.

Apr 19, 2010, 10:24 pm

10: I'll second the notion that you'll not be disappointed with Storyteller. The historical aspects of the novel, and indeed the first trilogy, are woven into the fabric of the setting, characters, and plot rather than being the entirety of the plot itself.

7: Requesting local libraries carry the books is an excellent idea. I'm going to get on that this week.

Apr 20, 2010, 3:11 pm

I like your introduction. Please enter me in the draw for the paperback. Ta.

Apr 21, 2010, 5:16 pm

Hello! I would love to be entered in both drawings. This book sounds fantastic!

Apr 23, 2010, 10:39 am

The strangeness continues: 5 requests for 10 copies of the ebook version on this thread, and 59 requests for 1 copy on MG. Either people who request on MG don't bother to click on the link I provided to find out anything about the book, or the overwhelming majority of them are non-reviewers.

Apr 23, 2010, 10:55 am

I think the reason lies in the fact that most LT members do not join the group Hobnob with Authors. Many LT members would not even be aware that you're giving away books here in this group. They perhaps only interact with LT on their own home page and do not explore this website much further.

Another thought is that some people might just be clicking all the books on MG to see if they can win any at all.

Bottom line: I like it better for authors here on Hobnob with Authors, although I thinnk the group itself needs more PR on LT.

Apr 23, 2010, 11:06 am

35: But the thread shows on "all topics", and sometimes on "hot topics" as well, though I certainly agree that a little more visibility would be good.

I do think a lot of people just request everything regardless. But since I want to give books to people who will actually review them, I'm not sure missing the "request everything" types is necessarily bad. I just find the pattern somewhat puzzling.

How many people following this thread saw the link on MG?

Apr 23, 2010, 2:33 pm

Hello, I am new to this group...but not to LT. I have 47 reviews under my belt...and a blog, too. Enter me in both drawings (I own a Kindle)...

"Blood and fire, gold and steel and poetry...." just the ticket for the coming summer.


Apr 25, 2010, 4:56 pm

One more week for this giveaway. At the moment, people requesting the ebook version have an excellent chance of getting one.

Apr 25, 2010, 5:03 pm

I personally pay no attention to MG.

I do think the more casual users will just look at the homepage. And I think this group will be better for actually getting reviews.

Apr 26, 2010, 11:15 am

39: Highly likely. I think the best strategy for the author who can't qualify for ER may be what I'm doing: offer one or more ebooks in MG for the eyes, and keep the serious offer for this sort of thread where you can reduce the likelihood of non-reviews.

Apr 28, 2010, 10:02 am

As we're getting into the home stretch with this giveaway and I haven't had many requests for the ebook, I am going to go ahead and send pdf's to everyone who requested one so far in this thread. If I get more ebook requests before Sunday I'll deal with them then; also the drawing for the trade paperback will happen then.

83 requests for one ebook on MG!

Apr 28, 2010, 10:33 am

Looking like your approach outlined in >40 gwernin: is sensible, though I'm a bit surprised the 83 MG requests haven't parlayed into more here. Which lends credence to the supposition many MG users simply tag lots / all on offer without really looking at it. Quality / quantity, and I think you'll be happier with quality even at lower numbers than perhaps hoped.

Apr 28, 2010, 10:35 am

And the really good thing about this thread is that it is encouraging me to get off my bottom and read my pdf of your sequel to Storyteller, Flight of the Hawk which you kindly sent me, oops, nearly a year ago. My apologies, life, work and studies got in the way - I've been spending far too much time staring at a computer screen for work and study to want to stare at a screen to read for fun, but I've just invested in a Sony Reader to deal with that problem and have transferred both books across and will review the book soon.

If anyone is prevaricating about taking up this offer, don't, Storyteller is a great book.

Edited: Apr 28, 2010, 4:38 pm

Regarding the tendency of MG requesters to not review: a few more statistics from last year. In 2009 I gave away 15 trade paperback copies of my books, and eventually got (to date) 5 reviews: 33%. I also gave away (through MG) 123 pdf's, and got 5 reviews (4%). I think this pretty conclusively demonstrates that MG doesn't work for authors.

This dual approach, on the other hand, seems much more promising ;-)

Apr 28, 2010, 4:43 pm


Well, I think it probably demonstrates that MG doesn't work for authors; it may just mean people are less likely to review ebooks, because they value them less, or learn that they really don't want to read that much text on a screen. I mean, I think you're probably right, but it's not completely an apples-to-apples comparison. It will be interesting to see what your review rate for the ebooks here ends up being -- that's a good test of your hypothesis.

Apr 28, 2010, 4:58 pm

45: Indeed it will be. I also have some additional data I haven't correlated yet regarding instances where I gave ebooks to other reviewers and/or requesters outside of MG. It's a smaller sample, but I think the figure would be >50 _Zoe_:% in those cases.

I don't consider a 33% review rate for hard copies to be particularly good either, btw. At least giving away ebooks only costs me time ;-)

Apr 30, 2010, 11:13 am

Coming up to the end now - the drawing for the trade paperback copy of Storyteller closes at 08:00 LibraryThing time on Sunday May 2. I'll let the happy winner know by profile comment and also post on this thread.

Next giveaway starts then ;-)

Edited: May 2, 2010, 1:30 pm

And the winner of the trade paperback is.....

For my next giveaway, see http://www.librarything.com/topic/90198#1944849.

May 2, 2010, 9:24 pm

Perhaps the response rate for a giveaway would improve if one of the Hobnob with Authors thread were titled: Book Giveaway, without explanation of the particular book--since it would apply to more than one author's offering--but with general conditions concerning the mode of choosing winners and the authors' (collective) expectations, something we all agree upon. This would be stated in the first message, which in fact pops up when a thread is begun. This would mean a bit of debate among us, in advance, to come to a consensus on those conditions.

May 3, 2010, 1:24 am

I'm not sure the goal is to improve the request rate. If people can't even be bothered to read separate threads, are they really the best people to be sending books to?

Edited: May 3, 2010, 8:36 am

My suggestion is a response to the request for better PR, or to put it another way, presenting the author giveaway so it's more accessible and, ideally, even notable. There are a lot of threads on LT, after all, and people aren't necessarily lazy because they don't troll through all of them.

On the response rate: yes, it shouldn't twist anyone out of shape, but on the other hand, we wouldn't want an author friendly giveaway to be purely an in-house thing. Or I wouldn't, anyway.

Edited: May 3, 2010, 9:59 am

49, 51: well, go ahead and set it up, and I'll watch with interest! ;-) So far I'm enjoying this approach. Yes, it would be nice to get more attention, but short of being allowed into ER (unlikely to happen) I think this is the best I'm going to get. The MG offering gets visibility, and this threaded approach gets proven reviewers - more important imho - and a chance to chat with readers / potential readers in a more laid-back atmosphere.

eta: it would be nice if Sonya followed through with making this a standing group, though. That doesn't seem to have happened.

May 3, 2010, 12:51 pm

>52 gwernin: it would be nice if Sonya followed through with making this a standing group, though. That doesn't seem to have happened.

You inspired me to go and look at the main Group page, and I see the Hobnob group has been put in the Community Projects section, as Sonya mentioned here.

May 3, 2010, 12:56 pm

Thanks. I emailed Sonya to ask about it, and she said it was put there so people could join it. Not very visible, though.

May 3, 2010, 1:21 pm

Not very visible, though.

Yes, that is definitely the unfortunate aspect of that choice.

I guess we'll just have to work harder to promote the group, or post here a lot and get into (and stay in) the Active this Week section. ;)

May 3, 2010, 2:03 pm

I think a better option would be to list it under Standing Groups, and change the whole system so that Standing Groups can be joined.

May 4, 2010, 1:20 pm

49, 51>

I'd be less likely to always watch a large thread where I'd be interested in a very small fraction of posts than I would be to respond to specific giveaways where I knew I'd be interested. Scrolling through dozens of responses to un-interesting giveaways to see if any interesting giveaways have been posted doesn't seem very efficient -- as is, I can just ignore the giveaway threads I'm not interested in.

May 14, 2010, 12:17 am

Just letting you know that I LOVED this book, and I posted a review here, and on Amazon as well (the same one...I'm still trying to find my "reviwers voice" ; ).

Edited: May 17, 2010, 1:09 pm

I don't think it's a coincidence that (a) gwerin created this thread along with the giveaway, and (b) currently Hot Reviews features the review by LT user calm for Storyteller. Hopefully that will generate additional interest.

I wasn't thinking about Hot Reviews when we first discussed this group, but it seems to me that Hobnob with Authors is better positioned to feed into that LT feature than the Member Giveaway feature.

May 17, 2010, 6:03 pm

60: I agree. I invite people who have won books to post links on this thread!

May 19, 2010, 1:10 pm

I've posted my review.

Thanks again gwernin, I enjoyed the book, and I'll be buying the sequel.

May 19, 2010, 1:27 pm

61: Really nice review - I like that you mentioned the typeface issues but didn't dwell on them. Nice assessment of the book and it looks like it's going to have to be added to my wishlist.

May 19, 2010, 1:30 pm

Thanks, lorax - a thorough and fair review, as I expected.

Storyteller is in some ways a strange book, because it wasn't planned - it just grew. The first half was published as a monthly serial, hence the short chapters. When I came to put it together as a novel, for various reasons I didn't change much of this, other than adding some introductory material to the first two or three chapters. The second book (originally the 3rd part of Storyteller) has rather more of a plot arc ("there and back again"), and the 3rd was written intentionally as a single coming-of-age story. I'll be interested to see what the 4th one, now in progress, turns into ;-)

I'll look into the typesetting issues - thanks for the heads-up. And I'll look forward to your review of Flight of the Hawk!

May 19, 2010, 2:30 pm

Lorax's hot review is now on the homepage :)

Sep 9, 2010, 11:50 am

I'm reactivating this thread because I am running a new ebook giveaway of Storyteller on Member Giveaways, using the new e-versions of the book on Smashwords.com. As usual, regular reviewers and book bloggers are welcome to jump the queue by leaving me a private profile message. Also, if anyone who previously received a pdf version of Storyteller would like an upgrade, let me know. All Smashwords e-books are non-DRM, and available formats include Kindle, Epub, LRF for Sony reader, and Palm Doc.