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David Alexander (2)

Author of Conspiracies and Cover-Ups

For other authors named David Alexander, see the disambiguation page.

27 Works 193 Members 3 Reviews


Works by David Alexander

Conspiracies and Cover-Ups (2002) 25 copies
Dark Messiah (1987) 18 copies
Ground Zero (1987) 17 copies
Marine Force One (2001) 10 copies
Death Race: Nomad, #2 (1992) 8 copies
Switchback (1997) 8 copies
Death Quest (1988) 8 copies
Metalstorm (1988) 8 copies
Strike Vector (2002) 7 copies
Shadow Down (2000) 7 copies
Recon By Fire (2003) 6 copies
USMC (2007) 6 copies
Bandit (1994) 4 copies
Whirlwind (1988) 4 copies
Black Manta (2009) 2 copies
Chain Reaction (2002) 2 copies
Bloodbath (2010) 2 copies
Machine Breakers (2012) 1 copy
Snake Handlers: Extra (2014) 1 copy


Common Knowledge



whatmeworry | 2 other reviews | Apr 9, 2022 |
This is unintentionally the funniest book that I have ever read. It is so bad that it turns the tables on you and becomes fall over laughing hilarious. It takes the Mack Bolan brand of fiction and flushes it right into the sewer, with incredible results. The basic plot is a megalomaniac madman named Luther Enoch unleashes a contrived nuclear holocaust, from which he then plans to become overlord of the radiation ravaged survivors. That is until an ex Vietnam Vet named Magnus Trench unleashes his own private war in an attempt to make it from San Francisco to New York (where his wife presumably awaits him). Magnus kills, shoots, stabs, crushes, breaks bones, removes internal organs with a fast series of lethal Eagle and Dragon finger-stab death blows, and generally makes life miserable for the scum ghouls, hard pards, contams, and other assorted flotsam and jetsam of the Earth. Despite his concern with reuniting with his wife, Magnus still has plenty of time for the ladies. The series continues with four more books, but sadly we will never know the final conclusion, although by book 5, when he finally reaches New York, he learns his wife has been moved back to the west coast. Oh well...time to strap on the guns and go Deathquesting!… (more)
DouglasMoore77 | 2 other reviews | Feb 7, 2009 |
This was the first book I remember reading. At 13 my English teacher told me to go out and buy a book to read. I saw this in the shop. THe original paper back had a cool cover - some post world war 3 image of a guy holding a big gun, carnage, destruction. I liked the look of it. Probably was nto a very good story, although I still recall September Song, and the two sex scenes, which was my introduction to sex at the young age of 13!

I recall there was a lot of references to weapons and military hardware that I was totally ignorant of, and I think I got bored near the end. Can't even remember how it ended. Trent. That was his name. 3 stars, only because it was the first book that I read (while in secondary school - no recollection of books from primary school - poor memory!)… (more)
jonbey | 2 other reviews | Dec 19, 2007 |

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