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19 Works 54 Members 14 Reviews

Works by Allie Cresswell


Common Knowledge

Austen Authors



The third in the ‘Widows’ series, this one centring on Viola and Maisie. Viola has a secret and a drinking problem. Maisie has troubles of her own in the form of house renovations, advances from a neighbour and preparing for her daughter’s wedding. Their lives collide in the most unlikely of ways, but will they up being friends at last?

This story deals with some serious themes, but amongst the weeds and the showers there are quite a lot of flowers and sunshine. I’ve read the previous two books, The Hoarder’s Widow and The Widow’s Mite, which I very much enjoyed. The Widow’s Weeds is no exception, it didn’t disappoint in the least bit. It’s a welcome addition to the series. It’s well written with some endearing characters plus the odd villain. I have been totally immersed in their lives for the past week. A moving tale of friendship and courage which had me turning the pages to the very end.… (more)
VanessaCW | Apr 19, 2023 |
Dee, an author, escapes from London and drives to where the roads and her mood take her. She ends up in a quiet, remote and ethereal feeling village near the sea. Here she rents out a cottage where she hopes to find inspiration for her new book. She gets more than she bargained for when the past starts to merge with the present.

I enjoy a good dual timeframe story and this is an excellent example of the genre. The writing is very vivid and descriptive, it was so easy to picture the landscape in my mind’s eye. The two timelines fused together wonderfully. I think my favourite was the one set in the past concerning the Forrester family, which begins during the early 1900s. Perhaps because I’m a historical fiction fan. I hugely enjoyed my time with all the fascinating characters in this book and was sad to leave them behind when I finally turned the last page. I particularly loved Bob the dog! What a lucky pooch he was with his many walks along the coastline! 🐶 It’s quite a tome, something to get your teeth into, but well worth the reading investment. An evocative, captivating and engrossing story which I can recommend to those who enjoy a historical saga with an other worldly feel.… (more)
VanessaCW | Jun 27, 2022 |
This tale is a prequel to the Emma of Jane Austen. Thirty years prior to Emma this story begins with the death of the Rev Bates and tells the story of the new and oldinhabitants but mainly the Bates family.
A wonderful and enjoyable well-written story, with the characters being brought alive. You can definitely see the older Miss Bates and Mr Woodhouse in these younger drawn characters.
Highly recommend
Vesper1931 | Jul 29, 2021 |
This prequel of Emma continues with the story of the second daughter of Mrs Bates - that of Miss Jane Bates. Her story as a companion to a Mrs Sealy in Brighton where once again she meets Captain Weston. But on their journey to Brighton Mrs and Miss Bates meet the Churchills of Enscombe in Yorkshire.
A very enjoyable and well-written story and I look forward to completing the trilogy
Vesper1931 | Jul 29, 2021 |




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