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William Friend

Author of Let Him In

2 Works 68 Members 9 Reviews

Works by William Friend

Let Him In (2023) 57 copies
Black Mamba (2022) 11 copies


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Spooky Debut Novel
"Let Him In" by William Friend is a debut novel that immediately caught my attention with its striking cover and held it throughout its spine-tingling narrative. This story delves into the intricate web of family dynamics, presenting a haunting tale that is equal parts unsettling and riveting.

The narrative revolves around Dad, Alfie, and his twin daughters, Cassia and Sylvie, who are grappling with the sudden and unexpected loss of their beloved partner and mother, Pippa. Alfie, overwhelmed by his own grief, finds himself navigating the challenging task of single parenting. Despite the difficulties, he believes they are managing as well as can be expected. However, everything changes when the girls claim to have an imaginary friend named Black Mamba, a shape-shifting man who takes them on adventures and promises protection.

The introduction of Black Mamba sets off a series of events that grow increasingly disturbing, blurring the line between imagination and reality. In search of answers and guidance, Alfie enlists the help of his late partner's sister, Aunt Julia, a psychiatrist with a unique perspective. The story unfolds through the alternating viewpoints of Alfie and Julia, allowing readers to witness the escalating drama with the mysterious Black Mamba.

Friend skillfully weaves a narrative that keeps readers on edge, making us question whether Black Mamba is merely a coping mechanism or something far more sinister. The family dynamics are not only captivating within the central characters but also in the exploration of Pippa and Julia's family history.

The author's ability to create an ominous and haunting atmosphere throughout the story is commendable, effectively immersing readers in a sense of unease. As a debut novelist, William Friend displays an impressive talent for crafting a story that grips the reader's imagination and refuses to let go. I eagerly look forward to more works by this author in the future.

One of the standout elements of "Let Him In" is its use of the creepy kid trope, heightened by the fact that the unsettling imaginary friend is shared by twin sisters. Friend expertly capitalizes on this trope, delivering a truly chilling and spine-tingling experience.

I won't divulge any more details, as I believe this book is best enjoyed with just the basic premise in mind. Prepare to be absorbed into a thrilling and eerie narrative that is perfect for kicking off your October Spooky Season TBR.

I extend my gratitude to the publisher, Poisoned Pen Press and Dreamscape Media, for providing me with the opportunity to read and review "Let Him In." If you're in the mood for a spine-tingling read that explores the depths of family and the supernatural, I highly recommend picking up this book.
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b00kdarling87 | 7 other reviews | Jan 7, 2024 |
Let Him In is a chilling gothic tale about grief. Shortly after Alfie's wife, Pippa, passes away, Alfie's twin daughters inform him that there's a man in their room. The twin daughters quickly befriend this shape-shifting man known as the Black Mamba. At first Alfie and his sister-in-law, Julia, think the twins have invented Black Mamba as a coping mechanism, but as the story progresses we learn that there's something far more sinister going on.

I loved that the book switches from Alfie and Julia's perspective. We get to see inside their heads and how they are coping with the loss of Pippa. Alfie is starting to have visions of her, sometimes in the form of nightmares, and Julia starts thinking about her dad, who also passed away in the house that Alfie is living in. The characters are so well-written that you can't help but feel bad for them.

I also loved how atmospheric this story is. There were times that I felt really unsettled whenever the twins would talk about Black Mamba. I also enjoyed reading about the tragic back story of Hart House, which the home has been passed down through generations, and it felt like I was walking through the halls with the family.

Highly recommend checking this one out when it releases next month! It's definitely a perfect read for the spooky season
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hisghoulfriday | 7 other reviews | Dec 20, 2023 |
Love love love this disturbingly creepy book! It does justice to the stunning cover, which, I confess, is the reason I bought it.
Alfie lives with his twin daughters in this family home that used to be where his wife and her family lived. Sadly, his wife passed away in a tragic accident several months back.
Everyone is trying to cope as best as they can, until the girls mention that a man has been visiting them and that his name is Black Mamba.
Alfie dismisses it as a coping mechanism and thinks Black Mamba is the new imaginary friend of his daughters. That is, until strange things begin happening and he can hear noises around the house.
Really atmospheric with a continuous sense of dread building up page after page. You really can’t put it down.
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AleAleta | 7 other reviews | Nov 24, 2023 |
Yeah, I was stopped in my tracks by the cover for Let Me In by William Friend. I have been looking for horror books for the month of October. The cover sold me and I thought, I’m up for a good haunted house story. Let Him In by William Friend is so much more than that. I guess you can even call it a psychological thriller, because I couldn’t sort out whether it was all in him mind, if his twin daughters were sociopaths, or if there was an evil presence in the house.

Alfie’s wife had died in a freak accident and he was left to take care of the girls on his own. His mother is, well, a helicopter parent and his sister in law, who turns out to be his wife’s twin, cannot bear to be around them. It amplifies his feelings of inadequacy.

He pours some tea into my favorite mug, black and speckled with stars, and we sit at the table. The stars appear only when the mug is hot. By the time around half have been snuffed out, it’s safe to drink.

It’s writing like this that adds that something extra in the details that I love so much. Funny how something so inconsequential sticks out for me.

I was all over the place with Let Him In. I couldn’t figure out WTF was going on and the creep factor was operating at a high level.. My head was spinning…and…when I reached the end…well…if you are a horror lover, you might just want to find out for yourself. I would love to know if you end up as surprised as I was.

I did have a problem with some of the children’s dialogue, seeing they are so young, seven years old. Also, Let Him In seemed slow at times, but maybe these two elements were meant to lure me in, keeping me curious, making me HAVE to know how it will end.

For a debut novel, William Friend has done an excellent job with his first endeavor into writing. I feel he will have an amazing career and I can hardly wait to see what he comes up with next.

See more at
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sherry69 | 7 other reviews | Oct 13, 2023 |




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