L. J. Smith (disambiguation)

"L. J. Smith" is composed of at least 3 distinct authors, divided by their works.

About the Author

Includes the names: J. Smith L., L.J.史密斯

Author Division

L. J. Smith (1)

Works have been aliased into Lisa Jane Smith.

The Awakening / The Struggle (1991) 3,802 copies
The Fury / Dark Reunion (2007) 3,137 copies
The Awakening (1991) 2,269 copies
Shadow Souls (2010) 1,701 copies
The Struggle (1991) 1,567 copies
The Fury (1991) 1,205 copies
Dark Reunion (1992) 1,044 copies
The Forbidden Game (1994) 1,033 copies
Midnight (2011) 982 copies
Secret Vampire (1996) 689 copies
The Initiation (1992) 616 copies
Origins (2010) 614 copies
Daughters of Darkness (1996) 614 copies
Phantom (2011) — Creator — 568 copies
The Power (1992) 526 copies
The Captive (1992) 511 copies
Spellbinder (1996) 492 copies
The Chosen (1997) 468 copies
Moonsong (2012) — Creator — 457 copies
Soulmate (1997) 456 copies
Dark Angel (1996) 447 copies
Black Dawn (1997) 431 copies
The Hunter (1994) 421 copies
Bloodlust (2011) 413 copies
Witchlight (1998) 408 copies
Huntress (1997) 403 copies
Destiny Rising (2012) — Creator — 371 copies
The Night of the Solstice (1993) 366 copies
The Craving (2011) 363 copies
The Strange Power (1994) 349 copies
The Kill (1994) 328 copies
The Passion (1995) 291 copies
The Possessed (1995) 289 copies
Heart of Valor (1994) 287 copies
The Divide (2012) 250 copies
The Ripper (2011) 233 copies
Unseen (2013) — Creator — 211 copies
Unspoken (2013) 198 copies
The Asylum (2012) 198 copies
Unmasked (2014) 190 copies
The Compelled (2012) 188 copies
Strange Fate (2010) 177 copies
The Hunt (2012) 170 copies
The Temptation (2013) 152 copies
Bonnie & Damon: After Hours (2011) 32 copies
Matt and Elena - First Date (2010) 20 copies
The War of Roses (2014) 12 copies
Eternity 2 copies
My Vampire Diary (2010) 2 copies
Love Bites (2014) 1 copy
T©±rbimi (2011) 1 copy

L. J. Smith (4) : L.J. Smith

St. Louis Noir (2016) — Contributor — 43 copies

L. J. Smith (2)

Caroline in Italy (1954) — Translator, some editions — 1 copy

Common Knowledge

Disambiguation notice
#1 L. J. (Lisa Jane) Smith - Night World, Secret Circle, Vampire Diaries series
#2 L. J. Smith (a pseudonym) translated Caroline in Italy