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Viki Lyn

Author of Blue Skye

19 Works 154 Members 9 Reviews


Works by Viki Lyn

Blue Skye (2009) 25 copies
Out of Bounds (2010) 18 copies
Last Chance (2010) 17 copies
For the Bite of It (2011) 14 copies
John's Match (2012) 12 copies
The Tiger Within (2009) 11 copies
Lover's Trill (2012) 10 copies
Fighting Chance (2011) 9 copies
Perceived Love (2012) 8 copies
Ryan's Harbor (2010) 6 copies
Orbus Arcana Box Set (2018) 6 copies
A Bite in Time 4 copies
Guarded Hearts 3 copies


Common Knowledge

Places of residence
Arizona, USA
California, USA
Short biography
(From her publisher's website:) Viki Lyn is a successful writer of edgy, erotic, sexy man love. Sparked by a keen interest in yaoi, also known as Japanese Boys Love manga, she began her own love affair with male/male romance. After reading and collecting whatever she could get her hands on, she created the popular Yaoi Rose review site. Once she wrote her first man love romance, she was hooked. Inspired by the reality that romance between lovers is a hope more than a guarantee, Viki’s characters are fiercely independent. Her stories are an eclectic mix but it is always romance that drives the story to its final happily-ever-after.

A native of California, Viki travels the world in search of inspiration but calls Arizona home. She shares her beautiful adobe home with her wonderful husband and favorite man (fictional or real).



A short, well written dance of love never acted upon.
Connorz | Jan 4, 2023 |
Blue Skye is about Drew Adams and Skye Taylor. Both about twenty-five years old. They haven’t seen each other since that one glorious graduation night seven years ago, when their true feelings for each other came out. Now things are about to get heated…again. This story is told in third person through Drew and Skye’s eyes.

Skye and Drew grew up in Woodland Village a quiet town near the ocean. Skye’s parents were both artistic and encouraged him in exploring his talents and accepted him for who he was. He became a successful artist living in Manhattan. He returns to town to settle things with his parents’ estate now that his mother has passed and to put on an art show his friend Carl has arranged. Drew on the other hand, grew up in a rich family with a father who controlled everything and set out Drew’s life like a roadmap. Drew is a successful architect with his own company and has a wife, Sam. He tells himself he’s content, but we find out he’s not and that they don’t sleep together anymore.

That fateful graduation night seven years ago, Skye and Drew pledged to move to Manhattan together but Drew chickened out and stayed. Skye left. They haven’t seen each other until Skye’s return. Which now that I think of it is surprising since if Skye’s parents lived in Woodland Village, wouldn’t he have come back and visited them? I suppose he could have avoided Drew during his visits. The story starts immediately with Skye’s and Drew’s first meetup in the gallery being setup for Skye’s art show. Drew is putting in the finishing touches. It’s painfully clear that Skye is in love with Drew and has never stopped loving him. It’s also clear that Drew wants Skye, but he has made his own prison, refusing to divorce Sam, refusing to stand up to his father, and letting both direct his life. Skye throws his world into confusion.

I could feel Skye’s desperate longing to be with Drew, and Drew’s painful iron grip to keep under control his desires and need to be with Skye. We do find out Drew has cheated before and he does cheat with Skye. So if you don’t like stories with cheating spouses than this story may not be for you. The two men dance painfully around each other, coming together and then fleeing from each other until they come together again. Don’t expect outside events that these characters react too, this story is all about the emotional tug of war they have within themselves and with each other. I found it intense but I couldn’t stop reading.

Drew appears cold and distance. After a while I got fed up with him giving Skye hope, then snatching it away. Skye may have been a bit arrogant, but he wore his heart on his sleeve for Drew. He’d give Drew anything if Drew would only leave his wife and confront his father. There was no mistaking that Skye loved Drew long before he told him. Both men did something that could be considered unforgiveable. First, Drew took Skye home with him and when Sam came home and told Skye that Drew was just using him to get Skye out of his system because he’d never leave her, Drew admitted he’d never leave her. It devastated Skye that he was played. So he went out and got drunk and then went back to the Drew’s home. When he got there, Drew’s father was there and Skye outed Drew. There was a big fight and Skye went back to Manhattan, although he finally came back to Woodland Village.

Both these men seemed realistic to me. Drew being so in control of hiding and submerging his desires, that he appeared to be a cold person. But he wasn’t happy. At the end I picture them to still be working out their issues because both men are stubborn and have strong personalities, in their own way. I thought the last line of the story was perfect. Skye needed to hear it and Drew needed to say it in order to start his new life with Skye.

For me this book was intense emotionally with the pushing and pulling between Skye and Drew. Both men had flaws. I thought Drew was weak and unkind for how he treated Skye, but at the same time it seemed he needed someone in his life who was strong to help him. Also someone who was strong enough to back away when needed. I can only think that Skye loved him tremendously to put up with the crap Drew did and that Skye must be an optimist.

I tend to compare cover characters to the character in a book. I have the ebook with the two men’s faces on the front and I have to say, they appear too young and don’t look anything like the characters in the story to me. I think the latest Kindle version cover with the blond, looks more like Drew and is the nicest.

This is a different kind of read from the HEA books I usually read. It seemed more realistic in terms of characters, even though there was the evil wife and controlling, homophobic parent. I enjoyed the other side characters that revolved around Skye and Drew. This is an engrossing, fast read and I give Blue Skye, 4 Stars

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Penumbra1 | 1 other review | Oct 11, 2022 |
John’s Match is the third book in the Woodland Village series. The first MC is John Kramer, VP and CO of Fantasy Arts, a gaming company. We met him briefly in Book 2, which was Ryan’s Harbor. The other MC is Scott Marwick, a quick tempered Fantasy writer who has been depressed and unable to write since his partner’s death three years ago. This story is told in third person through both John and Scott’s eyes.

I read this story a few years ago but didn’t write a review then. I decided to re-read it when I purchased the other books in the series. My review for the first book, Blue Skye, is located here. I’ll post my review for Ryan’s Harbor soon and link it here also.

Each book has a different style and of the three books, John’s Match is my favorite. It’s about two strong-willed, stubborn men who have difficulty trusting for different reasons. John is low-keyed and easy-going, but he must be in control of everything. He has perfect clothes, the perfect car and even his house, which is next door to Scott’s, is neat and tidy. John is interested in Scott, but something Scott does early on in their difficult friendship makes John wary of trusting Scott. Scott on the other hand, is loud, sloppy and has a quick temper. Scott’s partner David is dead, but he did something that has made Scott not trust any man. It’s also deadened his creativity and only when John enters his life does Scott start to waken to life again. John doesn’t take Scott’s crap, he stands up to Scott and Scott likes that because John isn’t afraid. But at one point Scott jumps to a conclusion and seriously jeopardizes John and his relationship.

I really liked the MCs. They were strong characters and their different personalities played off well with each other. There was also character growth. We get to meet the characters from the previous books again too. The first time I read this story I don’t remember if I had a problem following along without having read the first two stories. I suppose you could read this as a stand-alone, but I think you’ll get more enjoyment if all three books are read in sequence.

The story kept me interested and I don’t remember any scenes that dragged. There are a few missing word issues but not so much to be annoying.

I rarely read books over, and this is one of the few that I have. If you’re looking for a fast read with strong characters and good character growth then consider this book. I give John’s Match, 4 Stars.

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Penumbra1 | Oct 11, 2022 |
2.5 stars. Great premise, but it was too short to be resolved satisfactorily and William remained an asshole right until the very end.
jules0623 | 1 other review | Mar 31, 2013 |


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