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6 Works 445 Members 16 Reviews

About the Author

Anne Nelson has received a Livingston Award, a Guggenheim Fellowship, a Bellagio Fellowship, and an Associated Church Press Award for her journalism. She has taught at Columbia University for over two decades. Her previous books include Red Orchestra, a New York Times Book Review Editors' Choice; show more and Suzanne's Children, a finalist for the National Jewish Book Award. A native of Oklahoma, she lives in New York City. show less
Image credit: Author Anne Nelson at the 2019 Texas Book Festival in Austin, Texas, United States. By Larry D. Moore, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=83644589

Works by Anne Nelson


Common Knowledge



This is a deeply troubling account of the currents of political activism that brought Donald Trump to power.

I would call it a sister to Jane Mayer’s “Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right.”

And it explains Republicans’ intransigence on even minor matters of public policy.

While indeed money fuels American politics, it is the demonstration of an ideological purity that keeps elected officers in line.

And it is so ironic that the American system was designed to prevent this very scenario where religious ideologues could have such a domineering say over public policy.

There are some very cynical people at the heart of the American radical right, no better than some of the Eastern European leaders or trans-Asian republic potentates, or Putin or royal families of the Middle East.

I happened to be reading this book at the same time I am engrossed in a podcast series about the misbehaviour of Becki and Jerry Falwell Jr. and Falwell’s unwholesome management of Liberty University of Lynchburg, Virginia.

Donald Trump embraced these people because they brought him to power. And Trump in turn gave them the influence over public policy they had coveted for decades.

But they are as awful as he is. And the election of Biden will not stop them.
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MylesKesten | 4 other reviews | Jan 23, 2024 |
RED ORCHESTRA, by Anne Nelson

Anne Nelson, who wrote the play I did last spring, THE GUYS, has revealed in this book a facet of her wide-ranging persona I was not initially aware of when I worked with her in April. I knew she was a renowned war correspondent, playwright, human-rights reporter, and professor, but I hadn't known she was also a historian. I've just finished her book RED ORCHESTRA and am thrilled (particularly thrilled, as one is when one finds something a friend has done has been done extremely well) to recommend it.

Red Orchestra (or Die Rote Kapelle) is the name given to Germans who formed the underground resistance to Hitler and the Nazis inside Germany. Some were members of the military or elite society, some were artists and intellectuals, some were simple working people, but all were devoted to bringing about the collapse of the Nazi regime and an end to its horrific abuses. The book is a sad chronicle of the times, particularly sad because so much of the bravery and effort exhibited by these women and men went for naught. Case after case is illustrated wherein Herculean attempts were made to assassinate Hitler or to convey to the countries allied against the Nazis the scope of the holocaust under way in Germany and to provide help in defeating Germany's war-and-murder machine, only to see chance or stupidity or arrogance defeat the effort. In the end, thousands of Germans loyal to the idea of a humane and free Germany paid with their lives for their refusal to bow down before dictatorship, and even then many of their stories were distorted and radicalized for political purposes by the victorious Anglo-American and Soviet governments. What is left is a dramatic and powerful story of human bravery in the face of near-certain death, and an understanding of how easily nations can be corrupted.

Additionally, RED ORCHESTRA provides a concise and extremely clear picture of what life in Germany was like between the World Wars and exactly how events progressed as a defeated and dispirited nation turned itself into a juggernaut of hate under the leadership of evil, spiteful, remorseless men. I've never understood so clearly before the sense of progression as the Nazis arose from the ashes of World War I on their road to destiny and infamy.

This is a terrific book, full of intimate detail and insight. I swear I'd think so even if the author weren't a friend of mine. But if she weren't, I'd probably never have known about this book, nor about the men and women of the so-called Red Orchestra, who stood up against evil when doing so was at the cost of life itself.
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jumblejim | 7 other reviews | Aug 26, 2023 |
Fræðandi frásögn um andspyrnu Þjóðverja við ógnarstjórn nasista í síðari heimsstyrjöld. Þetta var fjölmennur hópur sem stundaði njósnir, hjálpaði gyðingum að flýja og dreifðu andófsfréttum á meðal Þjóðverja. Fólkið var af öllum stéttum og barðist af hugsjón fyrir málefnum sínum.
Gestapo, leyniþjónusta Þjóðverja, gaf þeim nafnið Rauða hljómsveitin vegna fjölda senditækjanna sem sendu leynilegar upplýsingar en sjálf höfðu þau ekki gefið sér neitt nafn.
Upp komst um þau fyrir heimskulegt klúður leyniþjónustu Sovétríkjanna en njósnarar hópsins höfðu gefið nákvæmar upplýsingar um hernað og fyrirætlanir Þjóðverja til Sovétríkjanna.
Frásagnir um andspyrnuhópinn hafa ekki farið hátt því að eftir stríð tókust stórveldin á um arfleifð hans. Bandaríkjamönnum var ekki um það gefið að margir einstaklinganna höfðu verið vinstri menn og Sovétmenn ritstýrðu sögum eftirlifenda sér til hróss. Hins vegar höfðu aðilar hópsins ítrekað leitað aðstoðar bæði Breta og Bandaríkjamanna fyrir og við upphaf stríðsins en verið hafnað af ýmsum ástæðum.
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SkuliSael | 7 other reviews | Apr 28, 2022 |



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